Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Yoga Camp Day13 ... I deserve!

I deserve...!
I deserve to be happy with where I'm at in my life!

Hey y'all! I am back from my little hiatus. Sorry about that. I have been going through a bit of a transition, and needed a bit of a break to complete it. I know that doesn't make much sense, but there has been a lot going on, and I didn't feel I had enough time to do it all.

So as you may remember, I had started working at the Gritmill. Well I'm not working there any more. They wanted me to host for longer than I wanted, and the sweatshirt that I had to buy, if I wanted to wear one when it was cold, was taken. Those things were $30 with the employee discount. I was not too happy about that. I didn't feel comfortable leaving my purse in the car, or in the area where all the servers leave their stuff, so I quit.

I am now working at a restaurant call the River Hofbrau with Russell. I had 4 days of training, and I am now a server. I think I will do well there. The servers say that they can make $100 or more on a Saturday night! That's what Russ and I need.

The affirmation today is great! " I deserve to be happy with where I'm at in my life." This is perfect for me, because I am struggling a bit with my career, and the changes I have had to make. I am obviously having to work at a restaurant to make money right now, until I can bring in money through Real Estate. I have changed brokers, so hopefully my new broker will be able to give me motivation to get out there and pound the pavement. I think all I really need is to get that one lead on my own, and have them close. That will give me the motivation I need to continue on. I am just getting a little discouraged with it right now.

I am trying to do some advertising, but we don't have the money to buy advertising right now. I am having to do free marketing, so hopefully it will bring some people in so that I can pay for marketing.

Today's yoga was very relaxing. We did 1 downward dog, and most of the video you are lying on your back. Usually when I do a lot of laying down on the floor, my back hurts a lot. This time, my back doesn't hurt at all! It is really refreshing. Here is the video if you are still doing the yoga camp with me.

I know I have been absent for a while, and I apologize for that. I hope y'all continued doing it even when I wasn't. I have just been battling my inner voice for the past couple of weeks. I keep telling myself, " I need to do my yoga", but then the day goes by so fast and its already 8 or 9 pm. Then I'm too tired to do anything. Hopefully I am back for good, and stay motivated by trying to keep y'all motivated.

Daily Activities:
Today I woke up pretty refreshed. I think I slept pretty well, so that always helps my days go better. I did a little computer work, and switched over my database from the KW website, to my new one with eProperty Realty, and got all of my emails set up.

I am going to be door knocking today around 4:00 pm. I was told that it's best to door knock between 4pm and  7pm on weekdays. I'm sorry for all of you that don't like people knocking on your door, that you don't know, but I have to find clients one way or another, and this is the only way I know how so far.

To be completely honest, I am the same way when it comes to people knocking on my door that I don't know. However, it may not be because of the same reasons you don't like it. I don't open the door for strangers if I'm home alone. I have heard too many horror stories of women who open the door, and they get hurt. I will only open the door if Russell is home. I know he will protect me.

I just get a little nervous when I try to talk to strangers. My thing is, I am great face to face, when they know I am going to be talking to them about Real Estate. It's the fact that when I door knock, they are not expecting it, and I feel less confident. I guess as Russell would say, "Put your big girl panties on and get over it". Hahaha he's so funny.


The most important thing that I need to learn, is never give up on yourself. When you fall of the horse, jump right back on and hold on tight. If you fall again, keep on getting back up. 

I hope today has brought y'all motivation back, if you lost it while I was "gone". I hope to keep it going again, and be as present as I was before. 

Have a great day everyone!

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