Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Yoga camp day 12 ... I trust...!

I trust ___!
I trust the path I'm walking down.

Hey guys! Sorry, I have been a little MIA for the past few days. I have been so busy with he new job, birthday party, and a super bowl party. I hope I haven't let y'all down, and made y'all lose y'alls motivation. We have to keep in mind, that if we fall, we just have to get back up and keep going. At least I didnt fall off the grid for a week or more, then I would have to start all over again.

Keeping with the theme of my blog "One day makes a difference" I won harp on the past too much, I will only focus on today. So what ever happened between the 5th and today, makes no difference. Today is all that matters.

I really like the affirmation today, "I trust". What will you trust today? Yourself? The yoga you're doing? Or maybe you have changed directions in your profession, and you will trust your decisions. The reason my affirmation is "I trust the path I'm walking down" is because, I am having difficulty with doing Real Estate on my own. I feel like I am not putting my best foot forward, and I need to go all in. I can see the frustration on Russell's face when he talks about me getting out there and talking to people. Some things just seem a little daunting, and scary. I just have to suck it up and get out there. I am going to do some volunteer work at the Humane Society here in New Braunfels, and hopefully feel more comfortable with talking to people, and improve a dogs quality of life a little.

Do you do any volunteer work in your area? If so, what do you do?

Today's yoga was shorter than other days. It was only 22 minutes long, rather than 30 minutes long. It wasn't too strenuous today. She gave instructions on how to do crow pose, and I attempted it again. Here is the pose if you aren't sure what crow is.

It's actually pretty difficult to do. My knees hurt the back of my arms. Not sure if I'm doing it right, but I at least try.

Daily Activities:
Today, Russell and I went to our CPA, so that she could get all our paperwork for our taxes. We are really hoping that we get some good money back. This is the first time we are using a CPA, since I have my own business. We aren't sure how to do all the deductions for all my business expenses. I feel like I am finally an adult, now that I have a CPA. Haha. One more mile stone to mark off the calendar.

I work at the Gristmill at 5:30 pm today. I have one more week of hosting before I can train as a server. Since this weekend is Valentines day weekend, it is going to be crazy busy, so they need help seating people, and I wouldn't get the training I need in order to be a successful server... I guess. I have served for so long, I feel like I will be fine. Oh well. They will do it the way they need to do it I guess.

Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Whataburger
Dinner - nothing yet

Yoga camp day 12


Find something today to trust in. Trust your work out routine. Even though you may not be seeing results yet, stay the course and you will!

I hope y'all have a great day. I will be doing yoga everyday again. I guess I just needed a little break.
Stay happy, and motivated!

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