Friday, February 5, 2016

Yoga camp day 11 ... I release

I release ___!
I release the negativity!

Hey guys! It's going to be a fairly short post today. I am feeling a bit tired. TGIF! Unfortunately I don't get to indulge in this luxury. My choice I guess. I could have stuck with a desk job, and had my weekends off. Oh well, I guess I have to weigh what is more important. Weekends off, or set my own schedule. I think I'll stick with setting my own schedule for now.

Today's affirmation is I release. use this for whatever you wish to release. Stress, tension, negativity, or what Adriene said in the video, "I release that which does not serve me." That is a little bit deep for me, so I am just going to say I release the negativity.

Today's yoga was pretty relaxing. I feel good. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. There are a good amount of twists today, along with a lung twist. That move was pretty difficult, I have to admit. I almost fell over a couple times. Here is the move I'm talking about.

She said that a modification is to put the back knee on the ground for stability, but I wanted it to be all or nothing. 

Daily Activities:
Today Russ and I cleaned the garage, and we put boards up in the attic so that we could store some Christmas stuff up there. He taught me how to use the table saw, and the nail gun! I feel handy now! Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Then we just hung out together. A little together time is just what we needed.

At 6pm I will head into work at the Gristmill. I am actually liking it. I am excited to talk to everyone!

Breakfast - peaches and cream instant oatmeal
Lunch - Grilled chicken taco with ranch, chalula, tomatoes, shredded cheese, and spinach.
Dinner - homemade hamburgers.

Yoga camp day 11


I hope y'all have an awesome day!

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