Thursday, February 4, 2016

Day 9 and 10 ... I am bold / I am present

I am bold!
I am present

Hey every one. I know I didn't post an entry yesterday, but I did do my yoga. I just didn't have time to post to the blog after yoga, because I waited to do it, like a procrastinator. I had to work at 5 pm yesterday. My first day at the Gristmill, and I started the video at 3:45 pm. It was a 30 minute long video, and I still had to get ready for work, and leave at 4:35 pm to get there 10 minutes early. So I will be posting yesterday's and today's in the same post.

Yesterday's affirmation was I am bold. Being bold, means to be brave, courageous, bright and strong. You don't have to be a daredevil to be bold. You can do bold things everyday. Just by telling the truth about something, which might be difficult, can be bold. Especially if it's something someone needs to hear. Being strong does not necessarily mean physical strength. Standing up for what you believe in, can be strong. If we do something bold everyday, even if it's something small, maybe that will empower us. What do you think?

Today's affirmation is I am present. What this means, is not being in autopilot. There are times during the day I find myself in autopilot, and just going through the motions. I'm not really paying attention to what I am doing. Maybe for you that is going to the refrigerator to get something to eat, even though you're not hungry. That might mean you need more water, or you're bored. I find myself doing that a lot, but with chocolate. I did it today actually. I mindlessly reached into the candy bowl, and grabbed a piece of chocolate, and ate it. I should be more present during the day. Maybe I would lose weight if I am more present in my daily activities. What do you do where you just mindlessly do something, where if you were more present, you probably wouldn't have done it?

Yesterday's yoga was pretty good. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. It was all about awareness of the body, and how your alignment was. Making sure you are doing the poses correctly, so that you aren't just flying through them, and getting the full benefit out of them. One of the poses was Warrior 2, and we stood there in that pose for a good minute. During that minute, we would turn our chest to the side, and raise our arms and our pelvis, then back to Warrior 2. This was killer on my arms, but it was a great couple of minutes.

Today's yoga was really good as well. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. It's like cobbler's pose, but your legs are elevated, and the crease of your elbows are in the crease of your knees. Here is the image. I had to take if from the video, because I couldn't find it on google. Not sure what it's called.

Other than assisting with your core, I am not sure what it is good for. But it was fun to do.

Daily Activities:
Yesterday I went to phone duty at 11 am and got contact information for 4 clients. Hopefully something will come of those contacts. After that, I came home, relaxed, did yoga, and then went to work at the Gristmill. I have to host for a week before I can start training to be a server. Hopefully it wont be too much longer than that.

Today, I did yoga, and that butt exercise video that I did the other day. Here is the exercise video if you want to do it with me. I have a showing at 2 today. The couple that I am showing aren't preapproved, but I am just going to show them the house, to get in the door with them. Then I will suggest they go to their bank or one of my preferred lenders before we see any other homes. They aren't at a very high price range, but that's okay. Its money if I can get them to purchase a home through me.

Breakfast - Banana
Lunch - Tuna sandwich
Dinner - Chicken tenders with home made honey mustard

Breakfast - 1 piece of cinnamon toast
Lunch - nothing yet
Dinner - nothing yet.

Yoga camp day 9

Yoga camp day 10
Butt exercise video


I hope y'all have found motivation in this post, and continue to find it in your daily lives.
Have a great day my friends!

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