Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 8 ... I choose

I choose ___!
I choose to be happy!

Hey everyone. So as mentioned yesterday, I would probably be doing yoga earlier now, since I will be working most evenings. I have orientation today at 4pm, and I'm not sure how long it is going to be, so I decided to do yoga early, just in case.

I really like today's affirmation. "I choose___". What do you choose for yourself today? Do you choose to be productive, complete a task before the deadline, make healthy choices, or do you choose to simply be happy like me?

The reason I decided my affirmation would be "I choose to be happy", is because I feel that happiness is chosen. I think if we want to be unhappy, then we will be. I think simply choosing to be happy, helps tremendously to let stress go. Maybe all you need during a stressful time, is to take a deep breath, and say, "I choose to be happy". Don't believe me? Try it once when you are stressed, and tell me how it goes. Maybe it clears your mind a little, and helps you think of a solution to your stressful situation. Maybe it helps you realize that your situation isn't as bad as you thought it was, and realizing that helps you relax. Whatever it is, I know it will help. Even if it's just to relieve you from stress for that moment.

When you decide on what you choose to do, or be, really live it for today. You could even adopt it as a morning affirmation, then find another one for the rest of the day. Whatever you decide, make it count, and make sure it makes you feel good.  

Today's yoga was very relaxing. Not strenuous at all. There was a pillow, and a lot of laying down, and reflecting in this video. Here it is if you are doing it with me. If you don't think this is a very productive video, you would be wrong. It is always good to take time for yourself, and allow yourself to relax and meditate. Take advantage of this video, and really embrace it.

Daily Activities:
Well it's only 11:00am, so I haven't done a whole lot yet today. I obviously did my yoga, but I also did a back exercise video. Here it is if you would like to do it as well. I would recommend doing the exercise video, and then doing the yoga. That way the yoga stretches out your back after you have worked it out.

I will be going to orientation at 4:00pm. Usually orientation isn't but maybe an hour long. Not sure if they are going to want me to hang out at the host stand for a bit though. This evening I will update with what else I did for the day.

Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with spinach, and sliced tomatoes.
Lunch -
Dinner -

I am going to choose healthy food choices today.

Yoga camp day 8
Back exercise


Well that's it for now. As I said before, I will update later this evening.

Have a good day my friend!

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