Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 7 ... I am capable

I am capable!

Hi guys! I hope y'all had a good Monday! If you need a little laugh, here are some jokes, brought to you by theBERRY...

Today's affirmation, "I am capable" really helped me thru the yoga today. I stayed strong, and unwavering. I'm not sure if its because of the affirmation, or if it's because I am getting better. Maybe it's a little of both. I'd like to think that I am getting better, especially since I have done yoga almost everyday for 37 days. 

Just remember, if you think you can't do something, you are short changing yourself. You can do anything you put your mind to. Just look at me... I have always been one of those people that has a hard time developing a habit. Now, I do yoga every day. Partly because I have the blog to keep me motivated, and accountable. 

If you stumble, that just means that you are trying really hard, and to keep trying. You will get it right one day. Maybe "someday" isn't tomorrow, or next week, but keep at it, and "someday" will be today. 

Today's yoga was pretty good. Not too challenging, at least I didn't think it was. Maybe it because I have been doing it for a little while now. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. She started out slow, with some bending over, and rolling up. Then transitioned into warrior 2. We did tree pose. If you don't remember me talking about tree pose in a previous post, let me refresh your memory with what I said about it...

"I am not sure how I feel about tree pose. Maybe I am not doing it enough to reap the benefits of it. She says that it is supposed to be relaxing, but all I can think about is how much my heal is digging into my thigh. When I wear yoga pants, my foot slides down my leg, and when I wear shorts, my foot pulls on my skin. It's rather uncomfortable." - Day 27

I am better at it now, and I am able to actually enjoy it. I wore shorts for this video, and my foot didn't pull on my skin as much as it did before. It was actually really nice. I think the key to the pose is, when you push your foot to your thigh, push you thigh back, engage your abs, lift your chest, press your shoulders down, and focus on one spot in front of you. This helps with stability as well. I hope this helps with your tree pose if you were having the kind of issues I was having.

Daily Activities:
Today was a pretty relaxed day. Russell and I just hung out. I called and emailed some people that I had talked to in the past about buying or renting a house. Haven't gotten a response from anyone yet. I did a 5 minute video for butt and thigh exercises. Here it is if you want to try it. It really killed my legs. I am going to work out a different part of my body every day with a 5 minute work out video. I think that will help out a lot. I will also see a difference since I will be working at the Gristmill in the evening and weekends now. Hopefully I will get thinner, and my wallet will get fatter. Hahaha.

Breakfast - Banana and 1 cup of coffee
Lunch - Peanut butter and apricot preserves sandwich
Dinner - Fish and shrimp tacos with a little ranch, franks red hot, spinach, and tomatoes.

All in all, I am pretty happy with my food choices for the day!

Yoga camp day 7
5 minute butt and thigh exercise video


I hope this post has motivated you to keep going, and keep pushing. Just a heads up, since I will be working in the evenings, I may be changing the time that I do my yoga. I may start doing it in the morning so that I don't push it off at night when I'm tired from serving.

Tomorrow is orientation, and it starts at 4:00pm so I may be doing my yoga early tomorrow.

Until then my friends. Stay happy, healthy and motivated!

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