Sunday, January 31, 2016

Yoga camp day 6

I feel supported!

Hey guys. Sorry I didn't do my yoga yesterday. Russell and I got home late last night from my sisters mother in-laws birthday. So you can blame her for not doing the yoga... Hahaha, just kidding. I did a little exercise yesterday. My sister has a trampoline, and I jumped on it for a total of about an hour with my nephew who is 3 almost 4. I also drank 2 glasses of wine, so when we got home, I was exhausted and sleepy. Haha.

Today's affirmation is "I feel supported". What this means, is instead of feeling strong, you should feel supported in what you do. Whether it be exercise, or a new challenge, or in your choices. At least that is what I took from it. You can take from it what you think it means. Let me know in the comments if your take on what "I feel supported" means.

Today's yoga is all about the abs. It's a pretty short video today. It's all floor work; laying on your back. There are crunches, and windshield wiper legs. My abs are BURNING. This was a great video!

Daily Activities:
Today Russell and I went over to his parents house, because we needed his dad to help ups with filling out paperwork for our taxes. After working on our paperwork, we just hung out, and watched TV.

Of course, I got bored and so I found something to do. I played a little solitaire. I taught Sophi (our niece) how to play the solitaire where you put the card in a pyramid. Not sure what that card game is called. Then Sophie and I colored. It was a great bonding moment.

Breakfast - 2 grilled eggs, 2 biscuits, 2 pieces of bacon, and some hash browns.
Lunch - munching
Dinner - Pizza and wings.

Yoga camp day 6


Today's post wasn't super mushy, since the last post was pretty mushy.

I hope yall have a great night!

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