Monday, January 11, 2016

Would be day 20... Darn it YouTube

Hey everyone. I was not able to watch the video today. YouTube is not working correctly and wont play the video. I will have to do day 20 tomorrow.

Darn YouTube. Ruining my challenge right now.... However, I did my own yoga. didn't ruin my challenge completely. I am so proud of myself. I did a warm up on the floor, stretching out my back with a little cat/cow, then downward dog, then the three warrior poses on each side, then did a tree pose on each side. Finished off by doing a little floor rolling on the back, and twists. I think if YouTube were to do this on one of the first 5 - 10 days, I would not have done anything. I wouldn't have known as much as I do today. 

I also did my 80 second plank today, and did 2 sets of 12 knee push ups. I am trying to be better about working out, at least a little bit. 

Well other than the yoga, plank and push ups, I didn't really do a whole lot today. I went and did a final walk through with one of my clients. The sellers had a two week lease back, and today was the last day. Had to make sure that everything was left in good condition. I am now done with that difficult transaction. 

On the other hand, I have another contract, that was supposed to close today, but we had to extend to the 22nd, due to an invalid VOE (Verification Of  Employment). It said that my client was still working at a job that she has not worked at for a year and a half. So had to send it back into underwriting, and because of the new laws, we wont be able to close until 3 days after we get a clear to close (CTC). Until it gets back from underwriting, we wont get a clear to close. So that not cool. 

Bright side, there is nothing wrong with my client getting approved. Just a little miss information on the underwriting side. We will close, we will just have to wait 2 weeks. :-(

Our cousin came over to give us our garage door opener back. She was the one that watched our doggies this weekend. She brought her munchkin over, and we had breakfast for dinner, then just hung out and talked for a bit. Good times!

Russell signed up for his exam for 2 weeks from today. So he will take the exam on the 26th! Lets all keep our fingers crossed that he passes his exams! He really wants to start working.

Well other than that, we didn't have too much excitement today. Oh! I did make a soup today. It was delicious. Here is the recipe, and what it looks like! I may have put too much pasta in it. haha. Oh who am I kidding. Italians can never have too much pasta! Yes if you didn't know, I am part Italian, from my mothers side. But I am mostly Irish and Scotch Irish from both my mom and dad. Hence the WHITE skin. hahaha.

Here it is:

Yummy! And it is pretty healthy for you. It doesn't have a whole lot of salt in it. made with lots of veggie, and chicken broth, topped with a basil pesto sauce and parmesan cheese. mmmm mmmm!

Well that's about it. On to the healthy stuff.

Breakfast - Peanut butter and honey sandwich
Lunch - The soup
Dinner - 2 eggs, toast with strawberry jelly, and a couple pieces of bacon.

Yoga - not day 20... grrrr
80 Second plank
24 push ups. 


Well until tomorrow my friends. I will talk to y'all then. Hopefully YouTube will be working by then!

Have a good night.

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