Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 20... Yay YouTube worked

Hey guys! So YouTube worked, thank goodness. We are 10 days away from completing our 30 day challenge! Woot Woot! I am so proud of myself for getting this far.

You know, I was thinking. As Russell would say "uh oh", or "don't hurt yourself". He's so funny.... NOT!!

I was thinking, doing this challenge has helped me in other aspects of my life. I don't necessarily mean the yoga it's self, but the act of doing yoga every day, and making time for it. I have been better at doing the dishes after dinner every day, when I used to just put it off, and let the food cake on, then it would be even more work later. Also, I am more active in my work. It has really help me keep up with daily tasks. I am definitely going to keep this up.

So in today's video, we combined two moves together. Warrior pose, and those arm movements we did in the day 19 video. Pretty good work out! Here is the video if you are doing it with me. The pose that I liked the most this time, was extended child's pose. I'm sure you all know what this is, but I will share a picture with you anyway.

For some reason, this pose felt sooooo good today. We started in this pose, and it stretched out my back, and shoulders. It felt GREAT! To be honest, this is probably one of my most favorite poses of all time in yoga. It stretches the hips, the knees, the shoulders, and the back. So awesome.

Well today I had picked up a phone duty shift at work. Only one call came in, and it could be a potential buyer, but he seemed a little standoffish. But there was a couple that walked in to the office looking to talk to someone about getting a rental home. I set up a search for them, and I am showing them a couple homes this weekend. Woop Woop. I know that rentals aren't the big bucks, but its experience, and if I can get a couple rentals a week, that will help out a lot. Also, they could be potential buyers later down the road if I keep up with them. 

After my shift, I showed a property to a renter that called last week. He is not sure about the property, but he will talk to his wife, and let me know if they would like to see it again when she is available. Hopefully we can find them a house to rent.

With the other rental that I was working with, they did not get the property. There was an application that had come in before ours, and it got accepted. Sad day. But I sent them more properties, and we will view more tomorrow maybe. I hope we can find a house to rent for them as well.

Fingers crossed!!!!

On to the normal stuff.

Beakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Pasta salad, and part of a brownie. I didn't eat all of it...I was shocked that I didn't. I love brownies.
Dinner - Venison Sauce Picante, made with venison chilli meat and boudain sausage. Served with rice - Russell made it. It was pretty good.

Yoga day 20
90 second plank
3 sets of 12 crunches
3 sets of 12 Russian twists 


Until tomorrow my friends! Stay happy, healthy, and motivated!

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