Sunday, January 24, 2016

DAY 30!!!!!!

I know I make a difference and I try my best to help others. - Source

Did you say the affirmation today from yesterdays post? Did you write it on your bathroom mirror so that you would see it in the morning? I did! I think this will be a great addition to daily activities!

Hello my friends! Well its D day! D stands for destination. If we were on a 30 day road trip, we would finally be at our destination. Woohoo!!!! If I were to take a quote from the Disney Junior show Little Einsteins "Mission Completion!!". If you haven't heard of this show, and you have little ones, you should have them watch it. It is a great show.

So, as you may have noticed, I did not wake up early to do yoga today, I could barely wake up early enough to take a shower this morning before we left. Uuuugggg I was so tired. Who has two thumbs and is going to bed early tonight? This girl (points thumbs as myself)!!  BUT I did the yoga when I got home from our little day trip to Mineral Wells. I did not blow it off, I did it! GO ME!!

Today was free style day for the yoga. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. Once she was done with her intro, she turned off her mic and just did what felt good to her. She said that we can follow along with her, or do our own thing. I started off following along, then I veered off the path. I felt I needed a little three legged dog, and some warrior poses. I also do some hip openers by stretching out my legs and hips on the floor, and a little back twisting. Pretty good stuff.

I encourage y'all to do your own thing, because it helps you create your own style, and what works best for you. That way, if you are somewhere that doesn't have internet, or you don't have any way of looking a video up, you can just do it on your own. It was a little daunting at first, thinking about what should I do next, but I have been doing this for 30 days, and I realize that your move feed into each other. You just go with the flow. If you mess up, you are in your own house; no judgement zone! Have fun with it.

Tomorrow, I think I will do day one just to see how far I have come. I will post here the outcome, and maybe after you are done, you will have the same result!

Daily Activities:
Today, as you may have remembered from yesterdays blog, I went to Mineral Wells for Russell's great grandmothers 102nd birthday. I think I said Weatherford in the blog, but I meant Mineral Wells. They are roughly in the same area of Texas.

We got there, and everyone was just hanging out. We just visited, sang, and she (with help from one of the little girls) blew out her candles. We had cake, which was delicious, and visited some more, then left. 4 hours up, 3 hours there, 4 hours back. It wasn't too bad. It was a pretty good time.

We drove to Russell's parents house, and had some ribs, beans, roasted potatoes and onions, and rolls, made by his dad. Delicious! then we drove home. Pretty eventful day.

On to the normal stuff...

Breakfast - McCaffe, and Egg McMuffin
Lunch - Chicken express chicken tenders with mashed potatoes
Dinner - Ribs, roasted potatoes and onions, beans, and rolls.

Yoga day 30


Yoga anywhere!!

I am one of these 7 billion people!!

If you ever wonder where I get my motivation pictures from, I get them from here. They have a lot more than just motivation too! If you have ever heard of theChive, theBerry is the girl version. I love it!

Well that is about it y'all! I hope y'all had a great day, and have a great night. Stay happy healthy and Motivated!

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