Monday, January 25, 2016

30 Day Yoga Camp ... Day 1

"I ACCEPT! I accept my body where it is, and I show up fully for myself" - Adriene

Hey guys. Its the start of another 30 days of yoga. I am "attending" Adriene's 30 days of yoga camp now. If you want to know what yoga camp is all about, here is her welcome orientation video. No yoga, just an explanation of what yoga camp is all about. She actually started this series at the beginning of this year. If its not something you would like to pursue at this point in time because you just finished a 30 days of yoga, she has several other yoga videos, like yoga for weight loss, yoga for strength, there are videos where she teaches you how to do head, hand, and shoulder stands, and more. Here is the link to her channel if you want to explore. 

Now, I know that it may seem as if I am promoting her videos or her page, and I am in a sense. However, I am not getting any sort of profit from it. I haven't even met or communicated with her. I had just enjoyed her 30 days of yoga so much, that I thought I would share it with you. One of my friends actually turned me on to watching her videos, and now I'm hooked. I just wanted to make it perfectly clear, that I have no ties with Adriene besides watching her videos, and enjoying the yoga she shares with the world. 

So the first day of yoga camp was pretty easy. Here is the video if you would like to do it with me. We took it easy today with some cat cow, downward dog, and more. We spent the whole time on the floor, so if you are tired, and don't really want to do anything strenuous, you can still do this video! 

She has also incorporated affirmations in her daily videos, which she says through out. I encourage you to say them outloud when she asks you to say them. Even if you are whispering it. I feel like verbalizing them, really confirms the affirmation. That's the whole point right? I got the idea to start incorporating affirmations in my blog posts from this series. I watched the orientation video the other day, and thought, that's a good idea. I have heard a lot of good things from affirmations, so I decided to try them for myself. 

*Side note*: You should really watch this video of a little girl that does an affirmation in the mirror every day. You have probably seen it already, but thought I would share. Jessica's Daily Affirmation. Pretty cool if you ask me.

So far I have done two affirmations, and I am not sure if I feel any differently. But with all things, it probably takes some time to see/feel the affects. I guess I will have to check in on this a little later.

Daily Activities:
Today I showed some properties. The only house that my clients liked well enough to put an application on, already has two applications pending on it. I advised, that the likely hood of one of those two applications would be accepted is pretty high. But they want to submit one. Hopefully we find another house that they like as well... I'm not to sure if they will get this one. I guess we will see.

Well I decided to bake another loaf of bread. This time it's cinnamon raisin bread. The recipe that I used was from the same person who I got the white bread from. It's okay. I am not super thrilled with how it turned out. I think if I made it a second time, I would add cinnamon to the batter at the beginning. However, for my first time making this loaf, I think I did a pretty good job. Here is a picture of the finished product. 

If you would like the recipe to this cinnamon raisin swirl bread, click here. Like I said, I would put a couple table spoons of cinnamon in the bread mixture when I put it in the mixer. I think that would set it apart from just a normal loaf of bread that has some cinnamon and raisins in it. I will post about it when I attempt it again. For now, this will suffice. 

Breakfast - Cinnamon toast
Lunch - Ham and Gouda sandwich
Dinner - Cinnamon raisin bread. 

Lots of bread to day... gotta cut that out... at least it was fresh, and not processed! There is a positive side to everything.

Yoga camp day 1


So colorful!

Well I hope y'all have a great night! And even if you aren't going to join me in this next 30 day challenge, I hope I can continue to encourage you to think positively, and keep you motivated. 

As always, stay happy healthy and motivated!
Until tomorrow my friends!

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