Saturday, January 23, 2016

NOW Day 29 ... I regret not being able to do it yesterday

Daily Affirmation:
I think of only positive things and positive things happen in my life. - Source

Hello Friends! Well today would have been day 30, but I'm not going to let that get me down. Things happen, and sometimes life gets in the way. I may be doing yoga super early in the morning, because I am going to Weatherford, TX tomorrow for Russell's great grandmothers 102nd birthday. We will be leaving around 7:30 in the morning. That means I will be getting up at 7.

As you may have noticed, at the top of this post is an affirmation! I will be incorporating affirmations into my blog every day. Since I post the blog every evening, you can either say it before you go to bed, or say it when you wake up in the morning, or both if you feel so inclined. I am going to do the same. I would like to try to see how affirmations help my attitude throughout the day. I hope you will join me in this experiment. If you already do affirmation, share in the comments, the types affirmation you like to say. Do you just say them every morning, or do you take a dry erase marker and write them on your bathroom mirror?

I am not very well versed in affirmations, so I am going to take them from the internet, and after a while, I may start creating my own.

Today was a pretty short video. Here it is if you are doing it with me. My favorite part was pulsing in high lunge. When you inhale, you raise your arms above your head. When you exhale, you bend your elbows into cactus arms, opening the chest, and press into the lunge. She did this about 4 times on each side. It felt really good on my chest, and legs. Here is what I mean...

High lunge

High lunge with cactus arms.

Only one day left. Now that I will have completed 30 days of something, with only 3 days of "rest", I feel that I can start a work out regimen and actually be able to stick with it. That was the whole point of the 30 day challenge. I have made it a point to set aside some time daily, in order to do my yoga. I should be able to do the same for walking, or videos. I will also continue to blog on what I am doing for exercise, and have some daily motivation for y'all to keep going as well! 

Events of the day!
It was sooooo hard to get out of bed this morning. I'm not sure why. I went to bed around the same time I usually do (10:30pm), and I slept pretty well. So, I am not sure why it was so difficult. I didn't have to get up until 8:30am, but it felt like 5:00am. I reluctantly got my @$$ out of bed, because I knew, if I was late to meet my clients, I was not going to feel very good about myself. Then the whole morning was going to feel rushed. So, I made myself get out of bed and I sluggishly put on my mak-up, half-assed I might add... and struggle to figure out what I was going to wear. I stood in my closet like a zombie, standing in front of 5 people, trying to figure out whose brain is going to taste better. It was torture...

To be honest, to this minute, I am exhausted. I think it is because I have been working a lot more than I have the past couple of months, because I actually have clients... Haha. It is starting to wear me out. However, it is definitely a good problem to have. At least I have clients, right?

When I got home, I started making homemade bread! It is some amazing stuff. I don't think I will ever buy bread again. 
  1. It tastes amazing and make your house smell the same
  2. It is better for you than the processed stuff you buy in the store (you know what's in the bread)
  3. Its cheaper than buying bread. Almost everything in it should be a staple in your house. 
  4. If you make 2 at a time, you can freeze one, and when the other one is about gone, you take the frozen one out of the freezer, and it should be thawed by the time you need it. Then you make another one. Rotating is key. At least I think it is. I haven't done it before, but I am assuming that is how it's done.
Here is the end result...

Here is the recipe I used. White Bread Recipe . If you like wheat bread but don't want to have to figure out what to substitute, here is her Whole Wheat Bread Recipe. She has a lot of other good stuff too! This is just something I have done myself so far. I plan on making a lot of other breads too! Cinnamon Raisin Bread, Baguette Bread... etc... 

Note!!! If you make this bread, watch the video first. She made a typo in the description. You don't mix the melted shortening in with the yeast, water, and sugar mixture. After your yeast mixture settles, you add it to the dry ingredients, then add the shortening. 

The whole process from start to finish took about 3 hours. 1 hour to let the dough rise the first time, another hour to let it rise a second time, then another 45 or so minutes to cook. It takes time, but it is worth the wait.

That is about it. I didn't do too much after that. Just ate a piece of scrumptious bread. Mmmmmm! 

On to the normal stuff:

Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - frozen pizza.... I know...
Dinner - Haven't eaten yet. Not super hungry since I stated my bread.

Yoga Day 29 - 1 more day!!!
I think I am going to stop the planking... I am not seeing to much of a difference in my body, and I really don't feel sore after I do it. I am not sure if I am doing it correctly or not. I think I am going to start walking instead. 


Until tomorrow my friends. Have a great night. As always, Stay happy, healthy and motivated!!!

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