Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 27... 3 days left!

Hello my friends. We are on the home stretch. Only 3 days left of our 30 day challenge.

What are you going to do after the 30 days is up? Have you thought about that yet? Maybe you are still in the first half of the challenge, and you think, the last video is too far ahead to be thinking about what you are going to do next. If you have adopted the motto of taking one day at a time, then you would be right. Continue focusing on what you can do today to better yourself, physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Don't get me wrong, you should always set goals for yourself, and try to meet them. Just don't focus so much on the end result that you stress yourself out today. The way to accomplish a goal, is to set it, then kind of put it to the side (don't completely forget about it though) and focus on the steps you are going to take today, in order to meet that goal in the end.

If you think about it, you can't control what happens in a year. You can only control what happens during that year. So keep your attention on what you are doing today. Then eventually, today will be the 365th day.

The picture below is one of my favorite pictures that illustrates the stepping stones to success. Once one is laid down you can start laying the next one down. Eventually you will hit your mark, or even surpass it.

If you don't think this method works, take me for example. I am certainly one of those people who hardly ever meets their goals, much less surpasses them.  One day it hit me. I will only think about what I can do today. Then I started my 30 day yoga challenge. 

Knowing my pattern, Russell had his doubts. He didn't directly say that he didn't think I would do it, but I could tell in his tone of voice, when I said I was going to do yoga every day for 30 days, that's what he was thinking. Notice that I didn't say "he didn't think I could do it". He knows I can do it, but wanting to do it is very different.

Now look at me. I am blogging on day 27 with 3 days left. Now, it's like second nature to us. Every evening around 7 pm, he matter-of-factly says "going to do yoga?", and I reply with "yep". It's rather weird now that I think about it, but this is my life now, and I love it!

Since I am on day 27, I am starting to think about what I am going to do after the 30 days is up for me. When I finished today's video, I accidentally hit another one of Adriene's videos for 30 day yoga camp! Here is the orientation video. She talks about what yoga camp is going to be about. There will apparently be affirmations and exercise. This might be just the thing for me. And it will be something else for me to write about. Woo hoo!

Well on to the video... Here it is if you are doing it with me. Today's was a little swifter than last couple of days. Kind of a nice change of pace. No pun intended haha. There were some push ups, a lot of plank, downward dog and finished off with tree pose. I am not sure how I feel about tree pose. Maybe I am not doing it enough to reap the benefits of it. She says that it is supposed to be relaxing, but all I can think about is how much my heal is digging into my thigh. When I wear yoga pants, my foot slides down my leg, and when I wear shorts, my foot pulls on my skin. It's rather uncomfortable. What am I doing wrong? Do you have these same qualms about tree pose? If you did, and don't anymore, was it something you got used to, or did you adjust something, that made it less uncomfortable? I'd love to hear what you have to say about it.

Anyway, here is the pose.

Well that's about it for the yoga. On to what I did today to better my business...

Today I had phone duty... hahah ... duty... I'm so immature. Blame Russell. I had two people call in about rentals, and ended up showing one of them the property they inquired about. I think I got them as a lead. Woop Woop! The other one I set up on a search, and hopefully they will call me to show them some rentals. 

My other clients, that I have been showing for a while, submitted their application and money in for a property, and they were the first ones in this time! YAY!!! Finally. I am so excited for them, and for me. I get a little more income. 

My contract has been extended AGAIN!!! But at least the sellers are being as patient as possible. They are a little frustrate, as are we all. However, the contract should close on the 29th. If it doesn't, the sellers are putting the house back on the market, and my client's wont get their earnest money back, which I would absolutely hate for them. I guess well will see. 

That's about it for today. On to the normal stuff. I have to admit, I am not doing so well with this whole eating healthy thing. It's just not working... I need to find a different method that works for me..

Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Turkey sandwich and Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meat balls (instant)
Dinner - PBJ sandwich with chips and salsa.

I mean, I guess it could have been worse today. I could have had a whole bunch of fried stuff. It's just not as good as I would like.

Yoga day 27
120 second plank


I know this post was a long one, but I hope it helped you stay on track a bit and to think about meeting your goals a different way, than always thinking about how far you need to go. 

You should always appreciate how far you have come, but if you continually think about how far you still need to go, you are liable to stress yourself out, and quit before you get the opportunity to prove you can make it. 

I have confidence that you can do anything you set you mind to. You just might have to change your mind set, in order to get there. 

I hope y'all have a great night. Until tomorrow my friends. 

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