Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day 28 ... Woop Woop

Hey everyone. It's day 28 in our yoga challenge. Woot Woot! We are 2 days away from hitting our goal. Hooray!!!

Today's video was pretty good. Learned something new, which is always good. I learned out to "flip my dog". Hahaha I love the name for this. Its where you are in downward dog, and you essentially turn your pelvis around, and your feet and knees are facing the opposite direction.

Here is the pose...

You're in downward dog, and you pivot on your left foot, then your right foot swings around behind you, and you stretch your right arm out. 
Here is the pose after doing all of that. It sounds more complicated than it is.

If you would like more explanation because mine did not do it for you, then here is the video if you are doing it with me, or if you are curious as to what I am talking about. 

Other than that, the video was pretty good. I have had a lot on my mind lately, so I don't think my whole heart was in it this time. 

Well, today I showed some homes, and they did not find anything they are happy with.  Hopefully I can find them something soon. 

On the other hand, my other clients GOT THE RENTAL!!! Yay!!! I am so happy for them. I will be showing them the rental again tomorrow around 6:30pm so that the daughter can view it. She was not able to be there for the initial showing. They almost waited to submit their application, because she had not seen it yet. I told them I was nervous that it may not be available by the time she was able to see it. That instilled a little urgency in them, which was good, because there was another application that was submitted just after ours. It would have been gone, if we hadn't jumped on it. So yay for them!

On to the normal stuff...

Breakfast - Smart Start cereal
Lunch - 1 corn dog
Dinner - Munched

Yoga day 28
130 second plank


Until tomorrow my friends. Stay happy, healthy and motivated.