Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 26 ... Easy as pie

Hey y'all. I hope y'all are still staying on track. If nothing in our lives is constant, let yoga be your one consistent act every day. Pick a time of day you want to do yoga, and stick with it. You never know how much it might help you stay on target with other activities through out the day.

Today's video was a very easy video. It was mainly floor movements. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. It felt really good on my back, and hips. Great relaxing video. Not much more to say about it. Go watch it. You will see what I mean.

Well today was a pretty productive day. One of my rental clients put an application down on a house, and showed my other rental clients a couple homes as well. They haven't found anything yet. I think it will be a little longer before they do. Fingers crossed.

I signed up for phone duty for next month, so hopefully that results in more clients. Fingers crossed again.

That's about it for today. I am suffering from allergies, anyone else? Well, I hope y'all have a good evening.

Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - 2 hot dogs and cheetos
Dinner - haven't had anything.

Yoga day 26 - 4 days left!
120 second Plank


Until tomorrow my friends. Stay happy healthy and motivated.

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