Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 25 ... OMG I am so proud of myself!

Hey guys and gals! 5 more days and we have made our goal! WOO HOO!!!

Well I am super excited if you can't tell. I am also excited because I did my first handstand in a LONG time! So before I reveal which pose I did, I will go into what this video was all about. Here it is if you are doing it with me.

This video is all about the Dancing Warrior. Pretty much, you just move through each warrior pose, warrior 1, warrior 2, peaceful warrior and triangle pose. I really like the warrior poses. They stretch and work out my legs, make me engage my abs, and work out my shoulders and arms. It's a whole body work out to keep this pose up. That's pretty much it, besides some warming up in the beginning.

At the end of the video before shavasana, she suggests doing a little freestyle, weather it be working on hand, or head stands, working out the hips again, or anything else that you want to do during that time. She mentioned going to her video on how to do crow pose. Here is the pose.

Sorry for the bad angle, Russell was sitting in his chair. Not the most flattering picture of me, but I DID IT!!!!

I know I will get better if I continue to work at it. I am so excited. :-) Here is the video for how to do crow pose if you want to know how to do it as well.

So today I went and got my phone fixed ... and $215 later, it's as if it nothing happened. I am glad they were able to fix it, and since I gave them a good review on Yelp, they gave me a free tempered glass screen protector! woop woop. Plus there is a 30 day warranty for anything other than water or physical damage.

Other than that, I didn't do much today. I did set up some showing for tomorrow morning. So that will be on tomorrows post. Hopefully they will want to rent one of the properties. I guess we will see.

On to the normal stuff

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, and 2 pieces of toast
Lunch - Chef Boyardee instant raviolis. The cups where you just pop the top, and put it in the microwave.
Dinner - 1 hot-dog, on a hot-dog bun, with ketchup, mustard, and relish. Served with french fries. These were not from a fast food place. We made these here at the house. So a little better I guess since the fries were baked, not fried.

Yoga day 25
110 second plank - 14 more days.


The last one is so true! When I started this blog, it was mainly for me. I had no idea how much impact it would have on my friends. I have had so many people tell me how much this little blog has inspired them to either keep working out, or start doing yoga. Keep up the good work y'all. You all inspire me to keep going! 

Well, until tomorrow my friends. Have a great night. Stay happy healthy and motivated!

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