Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 24 ... Ahhhh stretching and relaxation

Well hello there! Long time no see. Haha just kidding. We saw each other yesterday. Well only 6 more days until we end our 30 day yoga challenge. Holly crap it feels like it went by quick. Does it to you?

Well today was relaxing, and all about stretching the hips. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. One of my favorite parts of the body to stretch are the hips. I used to love stretching in Dance, because that's about all we stretched out. Mainly because if we wanted to be in the kick routine, we have to fully do the vertical splits. I would like to be able to do them again, just so that I can say I can do them. I wouldn't mind getting into dance again. I was so happy when I danced. Something to look into I guess.

Today wasn't necessarily a good day. I showed two of my clients rentals, and hopefully one of them will want to put an application on a house. The other one, didn't like any of the houses, which in a way is a good thing. I know more so what they like and don't like. They are just going to be a little difficult to find for, because they only want to be in 2 zip codes, and there isn't much out there that meets their criteria right now. But I'm not giving up. There is something out there for them.

While I was driving to one of the homes, a black cat crossed my path. Now, I am not superstitious, but I'm a believe today. I dropped my phone, which I have done several times, and since it has a case, it always ends up okay. Not this time... noooo of course not. Does it land on the case? nope, it lands on the screen on pebbles, and shatters the glass. I feel like I am going to cut my fingers or face if I use it. Now I have to pay to get it fixed. So annoying. I may get an otterbox after I get it fixed. Oh well. Such is the life of a smart phone user.

 On to the normal stuff.

Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - nada
Dinner - 2 corndogs, and mac-n-cheese.

Okay today was not my best day. Tomorrow will be better. It's just a little hard, when you need to go grocery shopping, but don't have the motivation to go.

Yoga day 24
Running back and fourth through the house playing with my do. Yup, I did that.
110 second plank - Half way done!


Hope y'all had a great weekend. Ready for Monday?? Get your coffee ready!

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