Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 23 ... Yippee!

Hey y'all! 7 days left of our Yoga challenge! Halla! Today is going to be a short post. It was a rather uneventful day.

I hope y'all are having as good of a time as I am with this yoga thing. I think I will incorporate it into my daily routine, even after the 30 days are up.

Today was a little more relaxed than other days. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. Which was kinda nice. I learned a new pose today, called half warrior two! It's pretty much warrior two, except your on the knee of our normally straight leg. I couldn't find a picture online, and I'm not in a picture taking mood today. :-( However, if you watch the video you will know what I am talking about.

Well today was my relaxing day. I didn't do anything today except get a manicure and a pedicure. For Christmas, Russell and his parents gave me gift certificates, and I finally got to use them! :-D Woop Woop!

Brunch - Waffles with honey instead of syrup! yummy
Dinner - Salmon alfredo! I made the sauce, but it was with heavy whipping cream. Not super healthy, BUT the pasta was spinach pasta! So not too too bad. Salmon is good for you right?

Yoga Day 23
100 second plank


Hope y'all have a great weekend! 

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