Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 22 ... Oh yeah!

Hey guys! The countdown continues. 8 days left til the yoga challenge is complete! Woop Woop! For those of you that didn't start when I did, You can do it! I know you can. If I can do it, someone who almost always give up on any sort of work out/challenge, then anyone can do it!

So as I have said before, my goal for this challenge, wasn't to lose weight or inches. It was just to do something everyday. Granted, I missed two days of the 30, BUT I think that is pretty good for someone who tend to stop in the middle of a work out plan! With that said, I have been measuring myself just for fun. I measured myself 10 days ago and in 10 days, I lost 4.5 inches all around! That's pretty awesome if you ask me!

Today's video is all about body awareness. Making sure your alignment is correct, and you are doing the moves correctly, with out risk of injury. There weren't any new moves except the tiptoe pose. You put your knees together, lift your heals and sit on them. Pretty good move to stretch out and strengthen your feet! here is the pose.

Here is the video if you are doing it with me. 

Well today was another long day. I babysat today for the family that needs help a couple times a week. But man am I tired. He wore me out. He may only be 6 months old, but that little boy likes to play, and doesn't like to be in one place for very long. Which I guess is good. Means that he likes to explore. And does he ever what to stand up on his own. He is so cute. 

Then after babysitting, I drove to SA to show 3 homes for my clients, who want to rent. I about fell asleep on the way there. Speaking of which, I am about to pass our right now. Guess you know what I'm gonna do when I'm done writing.

That's about it for today. On to the normal stuff.

Breakfast - Coffee....again...
Lunch - Canned tuna, mixed with mayo, and relish. Saltine crackers, and apple sauce
Dinner - Instant oatmeal. 

Not too bad for today. I don't regret eating anything. 

Yoga day 22
100 sec plank challenge

Almost half way complete!!


This one isn't really motivation. I just thought it was funny!

 Until tomorrow my friends! Stay happy healthy and motivated

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