Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 21 ... Feeling better, and back at it

Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post my normal blog yesterday. I wasn't feeling too great, and didn't think I could fully commit to the yoga for the day.

Well I am feeling a bit better, at least enough that I was able to do the yoga. today's yoga was a little challenging. It was a little more focused on resistance. Even though she didn't say that it was, it was. I could feel it in my thighs today. Especially the half squat pose where your knees are together, and you sit back like you are going to sit in a chair and raise your arms above your head. Like this...

You really feel it in your thighs after a couple of breaths. Its a pretty good pose! Here is the video if you are doing it with me.

Well today was the first day of my 2 days a week baby sitting. I am helping a woman in my neighborhood with her 6 month old boy between 8:00am and 2:30pm. She works the night shift, and needed someone to watch her son while she slept. He is a super happy baby, and so cute too. She gets her sleep, and I get my baby fix. Plus, while he naps, I can work. It's perfect. I'ts also a little extra money for us too.

So I am getting pretty active with these rentals. I have 3 rental clients right now, and 2 potential buyers! woop woop! Getting good y'all. I may be showing one of my clients homes tomorrow after I am finished babysitting. Hopefully they like one of the 6 homes we see. They are really nice people, and I really want to get them into a good rental.

That's about all I got today. I didn't do much except babysit and watch a lot of Mickey Mouse Club House. I have never seen a 6 month old watch TV like he does. Its cool.

On to the normal stuff...

Breakfast - Coffee -- I've been skipping breakfast lately. Not good...
Lunch - Ham and cheese sandwich
Dinner - Patty melts. Hubby made them.

Yoga day 21
90 second plank


Until tomorrow. I may be tired, but I gonna keep going! Have a great night!

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