Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 17 ... Yoga is fun with framily

Hey everyone! Day 17 is complete! Today's was a little bit special, because I am at my sisters house tonight and I did yoga with my two nieces.

The reason we are here in Dallas at my sister Toni's house, is because my littlest niece, Camille, is having her 5th birthday party this weekend. She turned 5 on the 5th. This is her golden birthday! I think that's what it's called. The year you turn the same age as the day of your birthday? Well, whatever it's called, its her birthday non-the less.

Here is a photo of us doing yoga that my sister snapped.

We are doing downward dog. One of my favorite moves now. It's so funny, it used to be my least favorite move. 

Here is the video if you are doing it with me. This video was mainly about balance. I did not do as well with this one as I have in the past. I need to practice my balancing. The move I liked most this time, was a back twist. Here is the pose

The reason I liked this pose the most, is because my back has been killing me lately. This felt so good on my back. 

Well today was kind of eventful. I straitened up the house before we left for Dallas, and ate breakfast. We left the house around 12:30, and stopped by Target to get super hero t-shirts, and a gift for Camille. 

We drove for 4 1/2 hours to get to Dallas, and hit traffic when we got to the toll road. That was no bueno. When we got here we always have a warm welcome from Penelope their puppy. Then a warm welcome from the kids, and my sister and brother in-law. 

Breakfast - Waffle
Lunch - Cheese burger from McDonalds... I know, but we were on the road... (excuse) 
Dinner - Chinese food (Sisters choice)

Yoga day 17
70 Second plank


Until tomorrow my friend. Stay happy, healthy and motivated!

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