Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 16 ... We Love All Yoga

Hey y'all! Day 16 has arrived.

I know what you are thinking, I posted a little early today. Well, I am showing a rental at 7, since the potential renters work during the day. So I completed my yoga a little earlier than usual. Which means I wont have all of my food logged for today. I will have to update later, after I have eaten dinner.

So today's video is called "easy breezy", but it wasn't as easy breezy as I figured it might be. It was definitely easier than previous videos. Here it is if you are doing it with me. Today there wasn't any new poses, that haven't been in other videos. But the move that was most difficult was 3 legged dog, and kiss each knee to each elbow. Here is the move:

It works the abs like a boss! So you go into three legged dog pose (pic 1) then you pull your knee in to kiss your elbow. You bring the leg back to three legged dog, and then pull it back in to kiss the other elbow. Then you bring you leg back to three legged dog for a third time, then pull it in to the center. Repeat for the other leg. It's pretty difficult. 

Well like I said, I am showing a rental property today at 7 in the west part of San Antonio, which is about an hour away from my house. Which means I have to leave around 5:45 pm to 5:50 pm to be there around 7:00 pm.

I haven't done much today except clean the house a little. I am trying to straighten up, because my cousin is going to dog sit for us Friday night, since we are going to Dallas tomorrow and coming back Saturday. She is a life saver! Thank you Sami!

That's about it for now. I will update later, when I get back from showing the property. Maybe I will be able to say that they want to rent it! That would be cool.

They are filling out applications!!! Woo Hoo! Yay me!

Breakfast - coffee
Lunch - Turkey and ham sandwich, with tomatoes, spinach, pickles, cheese, mustard, mayo and salt and pepper.
Dinner - Spaghetti at my cousins house.

Yoga Day 16
60 second plank



Until tomorrow my friend. Stay happy, healthy, and motivated!

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