Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 15 ... HALF WAY!

Hey Guys and Gals! We have completed half of our challenge! Woo hoo! Give yourself a pat on the back! *pat pat pat* Good job people. Way to keep on track and never give up!

Each day gets more and more difficult. I'm sure that is how it is supposed to be. I think at the end of this challenge, I might go back to day 1 and see how easy it is. Wouldn't that be an eye opener. We will see just how far we have come.

Here is the video if you are doing it with me. There wasn't a pose that I liked over others, but the one that was the most challenging, was the Half Moon Pose.

I danced all through high school, and nothing gave me more of an ankle work out than this pose right here. My ankles were burning. I couldn't stay up for as long as she did in the video. But at least I did it for as long as I could. That's all that matters. 

In one of her previous videos, she had mentioned that when she was doing her yoga training, they said that Downward dog was a rest pose in between movements. When she said that, I was like YEAH RIGHT! Downward dog used to be one the more difficult poses for me, because I have never had very strong shoulders muscles. But now, I absolutely love it! It really is a rest position for me. Crazy huh?

Well today I did some work, and I am very proud of myself. On December 15th, I signed myself up for phone duty for this month. Well I had my first shift today at 11:00 am. When I got there, the girls at the front desk asked me if I wanted to pick up a 3:00 pm shift today as well. I didn't have anything else going on today, so I took it. 

The shifts are only 2 hours long, but that is long enough. During my first shift, I received 3 calls, 1 for a rental home, and 2 for home purchases. I acquired contact information for all three calls, and set the up on searches! That is so awesome! Then for the second shift, I received 2 calls, 1 for a rental, and 1 for a home purchase. So, all in all, I got 5 leads today alone. I am beyond ecstatic. I am showing a rental tomorrow evening, so hopefully, they will want to rent it. 

The commission on rentals isn't as much as if someone purchased a home, but I will take anything I can get right now. I hope something comes of those leads.

Today I didn't do too bad for food. It wasn't the best, but not the worst either. 

Breakfast - Fresh fruit cup (strawberries, pineapple, and purple grapes)
Lunch - soft tacos (ground beef, cheese, lettuce, tomato, avocado)
Dinner - Waffles

I know, your thinking waffles??!! What kind of dinner is waffles? Well I was going to make this fish dinner from a cook book that my sister gave me, which is awesome by the way. But Russell didn't want fish. He isn't feeling very good, and battling a major caffeine headache, because he gave up sodas for a year. He wanted breakfast, and we only had 2 eggs, so I made waffles. 

The cook book I am talking about is awesome. It has meals for every day of the week. Here is the book.

I was going to make Halibut and spinach with orange-pine nut vinaigrette. Except I was going to substitute the Halibut for Tilapia. Russell says its about the same type of fish, just one is thicker. I am going to make this tomorrow night, and I will have my review on it for you guys!

Mad props to my sister Toni for giving me the book! It's totally amazing.

I did not get a chance to do multiple planks today. I only did one, after the yoga. I was at work from 10:45 am to 5:00 pm. I would probably get a lot of weird looks if I just up and did a plank at the office. hahaha. 

Yoga day 15
1 60 minute plank


I'll have to create a challenge for with this exercise! Probably really good for the but and thighs!

Well until tomorrow my friends, stay happy, healthy and motivated!

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