Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day 14 ... We've completed almost half of the challenge!

Hey yall! We are almost at the goal! I say we, because I envision y'all doing this challenge with me, and are on the same day as I am. That keeps me going! So thank you for doing this with me! It has really kept me going. No pressure... *wink wink*

Day 14! This was a pretty relaxing video. Here it is, if you are doing the challenge with me. The only pose I did not care fore, because it was a little difficult was hovering cat. Here is the pose.

In the video she is on the tops of her feet. I'm not sure which one is more difficult. Maybe this variation is. Essentially, you are on all fours and pressing on the tops of your fee and palms, you hover your knees off the ground. This is more difficult than plank I think. It definitely works ALL your muscles.

So today was a pretty relaxing day. I mainly straightened up the house, and continued laundry. However, for some reason, I'm really tired right now. I almost didn't do yoga! I KNOW! Its almost like a crime not to do yoga. I have been doing it everyday with the exception of NYE. It feels like I wouldn't be the same with out it. SO CRAZY! Outside of high school and being there at a certain time everyday, because I had to, I have never been the type that has a routine. I kind of like it.

Now that I have some sort of routine in the evening, I need to develop one for the morning, and afternoon! That would be so cool.

In my previous post, I said that I would start doing my daily planks, multiple times a day. Well I did that. I did today's plank 3 times today! I think that is pretty good!

Ooooo tomorrow is a minute plank. That's a long time. Well for me it is anyway. But I CAN DO IT!

Today was much better in terms of food. I feel pretty good about myself. Granted, I did not do as well as I would like, but the key is to do better than yesterday!  

Breakfast - Banana
Lunch -  Lean Green Ninja Smoothie.
Dinner - Home made tomato soup! All fresh veggies, and a grilled cheese sandwich with muenster cheese.
Snack - Dates.

I did have a couple pieces of candy, but I didn't want as many as I normally want. Maybe its because I am having so many good fruits and veggie, my body isn't craving those types of sugars. Woo hoo Progress!

3 rounds of 50 second plank
Yoga day 14


If you didn't do so great today, it is not the end of your health. Just try to do better tomorrow. 

Until then my friends, have a great night!

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