Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yoga Camp Day 2

I create _______!  - What do you create for yourself?
I create happiness for myself!

Hey guys and gals! How has your week started off? I hope it is going well!  We are officially in day 2 of our second yoga series, and I am feeling pretty stiff. I am not sure why. I don't think my back likes to lay on the floor very much. I always have stiffness in my upper back. Maybe it's because I slouch a lot, and the yoga is slowly straightening it out, which makes it sore. Who knows. All I know is I want it to stop.

So I wanted to tell y'all, even if you aren't participating in this yoga series with me, I hope I can still motivate you to keep going in whatever exercise, or wellness activity you are currently doing. I hope that my experiences with these health challenges, helps you stay on track. Or if you find that you missed a day or two, that my entries will help you get back at it.

I know first hand how hard it is to get back on track when you have missed a day or two. You get home from work, school or maybe you're a stay at home mom, who just wants to relax on the couch when you have time to yourself. Whatever you do during the day, I hope I can help motivate you to at least do something little. I have found that doing this yoga each day, has helped me stay motivated through out the day to either do some computer work, clean, or cook. I don't know how that happens, but somehow it's connected. So keep at it! I know you can do it. There is more to life, then pushing papers, and paying bills.

Today's video had a lot of stretching in it. Stretching the back, legs, and doing some ab exercises. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. It is almost an hour long, so set a side some time to be able to finish this video in one sitting. The only way that you can feel the full healing effect of yoga, is if you complete it fully, and with out interruptions. If you stop in the middle of doing yoga, then you brake the meditation aspect of it. Also, if you stop in the middle, you may not come back. Might as well just finish it in one swoop. Then when you are done, you wont have to think about it again for the rest of the day.

Another note about setting aside time during the day, every day, eventually the kids / husband / wife, will say "oh it's 7:00pm, mommy/wifey / hubby is doing yoga!" They will know that you are doing yoga and hopefully they will leave you to it. Get them involved. I don't mean, have them do it with you. I mean, you total can if you want to get them in there. But what I really mean is, maybe make a game out of it. "Say whoever reminds me to do my yoga at 6:50pm first today, I will give them a dollar." Or whatever treat you want to give. That might help them realized, you need time to yourself.

Daily Activities:
I did a little house keeping today, by doing the laundry (all of it!!!), and sweeping the kitchen and master bathroom floors, and made more bread. We went through the first loaf pretty fast. I was slicing it too thick. Now I know to slice the bread thinner than I was. Maybe this one will last longer.

Russell took his exam and PASSED!!! All he has to do now is get his finger prints done, and get his liability insurance situated, and they will be able to send him his license. I am so proud of him.

So, it looks like my contract that I had pending is not going to close. The lender was not able to get them approved for their loan. They will need to work another 60 days to get their credit up, and the sellers are not going to let that happen. They said that if we don't close on the 29th, then they will be putting the house back on the market.

Maybe they will be able to buy a house in 2 months, and it will be an even better house that this one. I guess we will see.

Russell and I have come to the realization, that I will be getting a part-time job while I am trying to get my Real Estate back up and running. I have applied at Olive Garden, and the Gristmill. I will probably try applying to a couple other places as well. Wish me luck.

Breakfast - Cinnamon toast
Lunch - Corndogs
Dinner - Sonic (grilled chicken sandwich)

Russell and I are on a very strict budget, so we can't spend a lot of money at the store.

Yoga Camp day 2

I don't want her body, but I wouldn't mind my body being fit like hers. 

Well guys, I hope you today's post has given you the motivation to keep going. I hope y'all have a great evening.

Until tomorrow my friends. 

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