Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 2...

Hello All,

Today was day 2 of my 30 day yoga challenge! Woo hoo! Gotta keep motivated to achieve my goal. Here is the YouTube video if you are doing the challenge with me. I am going to start incorporating a yoga move in my blog, that I felt helped me the most during the video.

Today is upward facing dog. This helped with my back, my chest, and my shoulders. I felt the most relaxed while doing this move. 

Sorry for the, not so professional photo. I was at home alone, so all I had was my camera timer.

I started working on my huge pile o' laundry today. It still isn't done, but it will be finished tomorrow hopefully. After it is finished, I am going to do my best to keep it at a pretty small pile.

I am also going try to keep my house straightened up regularly. I cleaned it Sunday and Monday before my friend Colleen came over. I told my husband (Russell) that we need to have people over more often so the house stays clean. Haha. I'm gonna try my hardest to keep it this way. I do so love a clean house. I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to keep it this way. Guess I get lazy.


As the infamous Yoda once said "There is no try, only do." I'm not going to "try" any more. I am only going to "do", one day at a time!

This is me, keeping myself accountable.

Breakfast - Special K Breakfast sandwich (flat bread, bacon, egg, cheese, mayo, salt, and pepper)

Lunch - Sausage with ketchup and mustard, 1/2 of an avocado, small can of V8 Juice.
Dinner - Caesar Salad
Snack - Cheese, summer sausage, and crackers. 

Day 2 of 30 day yoga challenge as mentioned above. :-) 

Motivational Quote:

Have a great day! Until tomorrow! 

FYI: If you didn't know...TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!! I am so excited. 

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