Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 3 Y'all!... Merry Christmas Eve

Hello All! Merry Christmas Eve! Have y'all been good this year? Or will Santa be leaving coal in your stocking? ;-)

Day three of the yoga challenge is complete. Here is the YouTube video if you are doing it with me. It was a little harder to get up and get moving this morning, but I made it happen! GO ME! Day three was a little bit more about strengthening your core and engaging your abs. With out a strong core, your back will start to hurt. I know mine has been hurting a lot more than it should. Mainly because I don't have as strong of a core as I used to have, when I danced in high school. Hopefully I can remedy that.

Today I decided to choose Warrior 2 pose. This pose takes a lot of correction when you do it the first time. You have to make sure your core is tight, your posture is in line, and your hips are square. This strengthens your leg muscles, ab muscles, and arm muscles. This is a great full body pose!

Again, sorry for the not so professional picture. Camera timers are the best when you are alone!

Russell (my husband) and I opened up gifts last night. We couldn't wait any longer. I got him the Air Compressor Combo Kit from Home Depot, and the LG Bluetooth headset that everyone is wearing. He doesn't have Bluetooth in his truck, so I thought that would be a good gift for him. Now he will be legal while driving down the road. HANDS FREE! You don't have to use it just for calling either. You can use it to listen to music while you work or workout as well. Pretty handy little device.

He got me the pants you see in the picture. I needed some new comfy pants. The ones I have now,  I have had since high school, and they have a lot of holes in them. Thankfully I only wear them around the house. But it is probably time that I retire them. :-(

He also got me some soft comfy socks since my feet are always cold. A space heater/fan for my desk, since the office is the hottest, and coldest room in the house. Some Adam Levine perfume that I admired one day. A gift certificate to get my nails done. And a Nutri Ninja!!!!

I am so excited for the Nutri Ninja! I made a blended coffee this morning. I am trying to be a little healthier, so this will help out a lot! not that a blended coffee is healthy haha. But I have to have my coffee in the morning. Thought I would try out a blended one.

We have a Ninja blender, but when you are just doing one serving of a drink, shake, or soup, it gets tiring to have to clean the big blender right after you make it. The Nutri Ninja blends the drink, shake, or soup in the cup you drink/eat out of, and comes with a lid, making clean up a breeze! I sound like an infomercial...

Tonight we are going over to Russell's grandmothers house to do their big family Christmas. They do a white elephant type of thing. It's always fun. Hopefully I can stay somewhat healthy during the festivities. I will try to make good choices!

Breakfast - 1 bean and cheese taco with hot sauce (not the best, but it at least has some protein in it from the beans)
Lunch - 2 Sausage links with ketchup and mustard
Dinner - Chicken enchiladas, Chips and guacamole, wheat thins and cream cheese with a spicy sauce on top, bean burrito with green chili sauce.... This was not a very healthy meal. :-(

Day 3 of the 30 day Yoga Challenge


Yoga Goal


I hope everyone has a great Christmas Eve! I will update the blog later today! Otherwise, until tomorrow! 

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