Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 1 ... Challenges

Hello there!

This morning I decided to start a yoga challenge. 30 days of yoga for beginners with Adrian. Here is the YouTube link if you would like to do it with me. This video definitely eases you into the whole yoga thing. I do not do yoga, so I am very much a beginner. However, I found this very relaxing, and not too strenuous.

I needed to get out of the house for just a little bit. My husband was working at the ranch cooking for lunch, and I was just at home watching TV, not being productive at all. I remembered I had a Maurices gift card. It was only $15, but that was okay. It was my excuse to get out for a bit.

I found a couple of things to try on. I asked the sales woman if I could get a dressing room, and she happily assisted me. As I took my clothes off to put on some of the store clothes, I glanced at my self in the mirror. I cringed. I have gained a lot of weight since I started my Real Estate career. I told my self 2 years ago, that I would never let myself get as heavy as I was. A whopping 160 lbs. I have let myself get 12 lbs past that point. Needless to say I am not happy with myself.

One piece of clothing that I decide I want to try on were cream colored leggings. I thought, sure what the hell. I'll try these on, maybe I will be surprised. OH NO, I was REALLY wrong! These showed ever single ripple, and jiggle... These were not going to work. I didn't even put them on all the way before taking them off. How did I let myself get this far? How do I get myself back to a healthy weight I was?

I put on the gray equivalent of the cream colored leggings, and they looked pretty good. They didn't show as much. Then I put on a green loose fitting shirt with a lace accent at the shoulder. The two paired well together. I still don't like how I look in the mirror, but this will have to do, until I can get myself back down to a healthy weight.

Here is the outfit that I purchased:
And here is the outfit I tried to replicate:

I would like for the clothe tso fit me the same as the model in the professional picture. This my goal. I know I can do it if I stay on track. I need to start eating healthier, and exercising more. Even if its just eating more veggies, and walking everyday. That is a good start right? The only thing is, I always seem to "forget" or "take a break" and never get back at it after a week....

I hope I can keep it up this time.

I think I will do something different that I usually do. I am going to set small goals, in order to reach my big goal. I will start with a week starting today and my big goal will be 30 days. If I meet my goal of doing SOMETHING every single day for 30 days, I will buy myself one new outfit.

There isn't a goal weight that I want to accomplish in this 30 days. Those challenges do not work for me. My challenge is actually doing something every day. If I lose weight in the process, then great, but that is not what I am working for right now. Maybe on my second 30 day challenge I will incorporate weight in the mix.

Here goes nothing...

Breakfast - Leftover mac-n-cheese :-(
Lunch - Leftover Chicken Express (fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a biscuit) :-(
Dinner - Leftover sausage :-(
Snack - Gram crackers :-(

Not a great start. But I can only go up from here.

Day one of the 30 day yoga challenge. As stated at the beginning. :-)

This is a good start!

Inspirational Quote:

Until tomorrow.!

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