Friday, December 25, 2015

Day 4 ... Merry Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Did you celebrate Christmas once or twice this year? Was this year the year you spend it with your family or your significant other's family? Or did you do both in one day? Either way, at least you had a family to spend it with!

We did both families in one day. We went to Russell's parents house EARLY this morning to do stockings, presents and breakfast. Then around noon we went to my parents house for dinner, presents and stockings. Thankfully our parents only live 30 minutes away from each other, so it's easy for us to split the day!

Well today was day four of my 30 day yoga challenge. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. I had to do it this evening at 9 pm since we spent the day with family. BUT I did it even though it was a lot later than I usually do it. NO EXCUSES!

I was actually talking to Russell about my yoga and what my goal is, and he suggested that, if doing the yoga helps relax me and helps me sleep, it might be good if I take a walk in the mornings, and do yoga at night. I actually feel really relaxed right now, and am about ready to go to sleep. So... I might start walking in the morning!

Today's yoga move is thread the needle. The pose helps the back mainly. It also helps the shoulders. You just do them on either side. It's not the prettiest pose, but that's okay. This isn't about pretty poses. :-)

Like I said, it's not the prettiest pose. 
I wasn't alone this time. I got Russell to help me take the picture!

Today I want so great with food. I mean it is Christmas, so there is a lot of food on this day!

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 biscuit, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 small hash brown (all homemade)
Lunch - Lasagna, Penne pasta, both with sauce, one piece of garlic toast.
Dinner - IHOP (BLT, with Fruit)

Not too too bad, but not the best.

A LOT of walking around
Yoga, day 4


Until tomorrow! Have a great evening!

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