Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 6 ... It's almost closing day for my clients.

Hello All,

I hope you had a good night playing with all your gifts from Christmas. I know I did..

Well this morning, Russell went to cook at the L & L Ranch in Wimberley, TX. He will be cooking today, tomorrow and Tuesday. Making that money until he gets to start inspecting homes. Woop Woop!

This morning I did not go walking. I went to my clients house at 10 am in San Antonio to do a walk-through before closing tomorrow. Also, it was cold and raining. I did do some exercising and my yoga today though, so I did not skip today, even though the weather made me want to. GO ME! No give up in this girl, only gitty on up!

When I got home from the walk-though, I sat down at my desk, ate some breakfast, and added the dates to a new weekly planner I got from my mother and father in-law. Then when I was done, I "blocked out" what I am going to do tomorrow.

When I was done with that, it was about 1:30 pm so I ate lunch. Then I binged on the couch for a while and did a little exercising during commercials.

Around dinner time, I started to get hungry. I thought, "Oh I still have some frozen salmon in the freezer. Russell isn't home, so this would be the perfect time to cook it!" So I did... When I sat down to eat it, it did not taste good at all. It was about a year old. I thought that since it was frozen, it would last... I WAS WRONG!!! I threw it away. At least I attempted to eat something healthy. We don't really have much when it comes to making meals right now. We held off on going grocery shopping last week since it was the holidays. Guess that's what I am going to do tomorrow in between what I already have scheduled.

I did day 6 of the 30 day yoga challenge. It was ALL ABOUT ABS! My abs are BURNING! But in a good way. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. There weren't very many "poses" this time. It was really all about the abs. We were more so, exercising, than doing relaxing yoga. It was still good. I'm not complaining. I guess if I had to choose a move that I liked most, it would have to be "cinching" my ankles together, putting my hands under my hips, and raising my legs up and down. You synchronize your breath to your motion. Breath out slowly as you bring you legs down, and inhale while bring your legs up. I had to take a break with this move. My abs were KILLING ME!

No picture of me, but here is the move:

Breakfast - Refried bean and cheese taco
Lunch - left over fried chicken, homemade honey mustard, and a biscuit
Dinner - Tried to eat the salmon, but couldn't... Didn't eat dinner. :-( 

Squats, Lunges, and floor ab exercises
Day 6 yoga


                 I need to start doing 1.                                               Why do you work out? 
                I need to stay hydrated.                      I work out because I want  to be a better version of me.

Until tomorrow!

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