Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 5 ... Part 2

Day five continued...

So I just completed day 5 of the yoga challenge, and it was really good for my back. It feels nice and stretched out. It even popped a little. Here is the video if you are doing it with me.

The pose I liked the most out of this video is the triangle pose. It stretched out my hamstrings, and my back.

I am not the best at these poses yet. I am only on day five of course. But I will get better! I know I will.

As you can tell, we took down our Christmas decoration. :-( Russell insisted that we do. If it were up to me, we would leave them up til the end of the year. Sadly, it's not up to me. 

Breakfast - Strawberry, black berry, blue berry and banana smoothie
Lunch - nothing.... Time got away from me today.
Dinner - 2 Grilled cheese sandwiches.... I know...I know... NOT GOOD MEGAN!!! 
Snack - Candy... Ugggg Christmas candy. I cant resist.

Just because you don't do well today, doesn't mean that you are doomed... Just do better tomorrow.

10 - 15 minute walk 
Yoga day 5


Until tomorrow! Have a great night!

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