Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 7.... Baby its cold out side!!!

Hello All,

It's the first real cold day of the year... Only in Texas is the first real cold day of the season the 28th of December.

Well this morning, after not wanting to get out of bed because it was 68 degrees in the house, I decided it was time to get up and get moving. I got the dogs some food, and put on one of my work out videos. I did the Brazilian Butt Lift High and Tight video. Did my 40 minute work out, and got a protein shake! Yummm Chocolate!

I'm actually kind of proud of myself. I stuck with my schedule for the most part. Granted I was about 30 minutes behind schedule, but that's better than most days. I put on my calendar to call my past clients to see how their Christmas went, and to make sure they received the Christmas card I sent. I also wanted to check in to get an update on everything. That task was completed. One of my clients was so thrilled that I was still communicating with them, it made me want to stay connected with all my clients. Another one of my clients said that he gave my information to his brother in-law and that he should be contacting me sometime mid January, because he wants to purchase some land! That made me feel amazing!

I also put on my calendar to set up a date for an open house. I did that too! I am so proud of myself! Today was a great day!

And to make today even better, my clients closed today. Woohoo! Another one to mark down! I am so excited for them. They were first time home buyers too!

Well, if you hadn't noticed, today was day 7 of the 30 day yoga challenge. I just have to make it 14 more days to make this a habit. I feel good that I will be able to continue this routine! I guess we will just have to find out. Here is the video if you are doing with me.

The move that I liked most was 3 legged dog. Again, I don't have anyone here to take the picture for me, so I will just find a picture online.

I cant do it as well as the girl in the photo, but I do what my best, and my best is enough.

This move strengthens the abs, the back, the muscles, and the buttocks, all at the same time. Its a great move!

Breakfast - Chocolate protein shake
Lunch - Cheese, summer sausage, and crackers. and a strawberry banana smoothie with no added sugar.
Dinner - Baked potato with butter, sour cream and cheese.

Dinner wasn't so healthy, but I guess I could have done worse.

40 minute Brazilian Butt Lift - High and Tight
Yoga day 7


Thanks for reading! Until tomorrow.

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