Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 5... Part 1

Hello All,

I can't believe how fast this year has passed. We only have five more days til 2015 is over. I wont go into what has happened this year. I will save that for the 31st.

Well I have officially decided that I am going to walk in the morning, and do yoga in the evening. I walked just for a little bit with both my babies, Pepper and Hank. This was Peppers first walk around the neighborhood, and first walk in a very long time. She is not completely leash trained, but she did very well. We will have plenty of time to work at it every morning.

I will probably keep my walks to about 30 minutes. Today I think it was only about 10 minutes. It started to rain, and I just really wanted to take Pepper out for a test walk to see how she would do.

So Russell got two air compressors for Christmas. One from me and one from his parents. I guess we will have to start communicating. He took the one his parents gave him back and bought a shop vac, and some Christmas decorations for next year. 50% off!!! We will be ready next year.

At my parents house, the adults usually do a white elephant, or Chinese Christmas. What we normally do, is we all sit in a circle, with our gifts, and someone reads Twas The Night Before Christmas. When the reader says the word "and" we pass to the right. When the readers says the word "the" we pass to the left. Then at the end of the story, what ever gift you have, you get to keep. It's a pretty fun way to exchange gifts. Usually they are gag gifts of no more than $10.

This year, we did it differently. We did the traditional draw a number, and in numerical order, we pick gifts. There are only two steals, and once the 3rd owner has that gift, it is no longer "stealable". So if it's your turn, you can either pick a gift, or steal someone else's. Once a gift is stolen, the person whose gift was stolen gets to either draw or steal someone else's. Once everything is settled, you continue with the next number. It can get pretty hectic when people are arguing about what is no longer "stealable" and what is still available. We ran into that last night, but it all ended okay, and everyone was happy. We will probably continue to do it this way, since very one seemed to like it better than the story exchange. But I think we should raise the amount to $20 or $30, since we want people to want the gifts.

Well I will add another post later today when I finish my yoga, and I will continue to keep track of what I eat.

Until then, have a great day!

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