Saturday, June 18, 2016

After a 2 month absence...

Hey y'all!! Long time no talk! 2 moths and 6 days to be exact. I'm sorry about my absence. I really haven't had much motivation the last two months to really do anything, except work. I have been pretty tired, and exhausted, and I'm not sure why. I haven't been working THAT much.

I think I am going to take up yoga again. I really enjoyed it while I was participating in the challenges. I have also missed blogging. It really gave me an outlet to spill my guts, haha.

The past two months have been pretty good. I closed on my first contract of the year, on May 30th. 1 under my belt, and more to come. I have another one that is under contract, and should close on the 12th of July. I am also working with a couple other clients, so hopefully I will have more.

Lately I have been door knocking, and handing out flyers that I created. I hadn't seen anything come of them for a while, and I was getting discouraged, and unmotivated to keep going. However, Russell kept on me about door knocking. I hated it at first, but he is the one that keeps me on track. Well Thursday I went door knocking, and I handed out a different flyer that I created. It was a little test to see if anything changed. Well it did. I got a new contact from it, and I am supper pumped. They wont be looking for another 6-8 months, but they signed up on my website, and now I have all their information. I talked with another woman while door knocking, and she is also going to be looking for a home in the next year. I unfortunately didn't get her information, but hopefully she will sign up on my website, and I can start working with her as well. I sent her a thank you card with a couple of my cards in it yesterday. So hopefully she thinks that is awesome, and uses me!

I am starting morning yoga again. I found a yoga with Adriene that is good for starting the day off. There are 7 videos, one for each day of the week. I did my first video today. Here is the video if you would like to start doing yoga in the morning too!


I hope y'all have a wonderful day! I am off to the store to buy some Zucchinis to make healthy chips!
Click here for the video recipe.

Stay happy my friends!

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