Friday, January 29, 2016

Yoga camp day 5 ... I'm alive with _____

I'm alive with _____!
I'm alive with gratitude!

Well hello again! Glad to see that you are back again to read my blog. I hope you are enjoying it, and it isn't getting boring or repetitive. If it is, let me know. I would be happy to spice it up a bit, or make any changes you think would be good for the blog.

Today's affirmation is "I'm alive with...". I finished with gratitude. I am very grateful for everyone and everything in my life. I have a great family, wonderful husband, amazing dogs, a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and a job. I may not have much more than that, but what I do have, I am grateful for.

If you spend your life wishing for things, and not appreciating what you have, then you will never be truly happy. The reason being, if you can't appreciate what you already have, how can you expect to appreciate any more than that?

When I was younger, I'm sure my parents didn't have a whole lot of money. I mean they did okay for a family of 6, but they definitely weren't rich. If they were rich, they were rich in love. Anyway, they were grateful for what they had. I don't think I ever heard them complain about what they didn't have. Unless they complained when I was in front of the TV. You could walk past me and say hi, and I wouldn't realize you were there until my show was over. So who knows what people talked about while I watched Tiny Toons. *ZONED OUT!!*

I never heard them complain about what they didn't have, and I only heard them say thanks for the things they did have. So there wasn't any reason for me to think otherwise. Because of their gratitude toward what they possessed, I can be grateful for the things I have, and not worry about the things I don't.

I'm not a parent, but I would think that if you expose your children to that sort of negativity, they will grow up thinking they didn't have anything of value. When in actuality, they had all that they really needed to survive and thrive. As long as your children have a loving family, food to fill their bellies, a roof over their head (whether it be an apartment, your parents home, or a house) and a few toys to play with, they have everything anyone could ever need. You may not be rich with money, or luxuries, but you are rich in love. Be grateful for everything you have, even if it's not as much as the next door neighbor. If you show your children that working hard to provide for your family, even if its the bare necessities (que Baloo from The Jungle Book), then they will work hard, and do the same for their family.

This was just what popped into my head when I think of being grateful. You can't imagine what goes on in this brain of mine. You say one word, and I could go off like a firework. By the way, I LOVE fireworks! They are so bright and colorful, and the big boom they make, I can always feel it in my chest. Its awesome... There I go... Off in my own world. Okay back to the blog.

Today's yoga was REALLY GOOD! I really liked it. It was slow, but got my heart pumping. It really worked out my arms, and my legs. While doing the yoga in the beginning, I realized my legs don't spread as wide as they used to while I danced. You know, when you sit with your legs in a "V" shape. I used to be able to get the "V" pretty big. Not any more. I felt like I was in dance one all over again.

Then we did this thing with our arms, she called it a "flow". When you inhale, you float your arms up, and when you exhale you float your arms down. It really worked out my shoulder muscles. They actually started getting tired there for a bit. We did this in a couple different poses. I'm not really sure what it's supposed to do for you, other than work out those shoulder muscle, but it felt pretty relaxing. Here is the video if you are doing it with me.

Daily Activities:
Today I showed some more homes to my renters. I really hope that they find something soon. Otherwise, I may need to terminate our relationship. I only get about $200 if I find them a rental, and I am using a lot of gas to show them homes. I don't want to have to do that, but I might need to. I'm not going to say it's wasting my time, because I am getting some good experience for it, but I am spending more money driving around, than I will receive by getting them a house. It's just not good, financially, for me to continue showing them homes. It would just be the right thing to do, for both of us, if I backed away.

After I got back from showing, Russell and I just hung around the house and watched TV and payed Russells game. And that's pretty much all I did today.

Breakfast - Banana
Lunch - Tuna salad sandwich with tomato and spinach!!! mmmm
Dinner - Sonic ... uuuug I KNOW! It's so bad for you, but it's soooo good!!!

Yoga camp day 5


Everyone wants to look good naked!

I know I didn't. I need to start keeping track of this....

When you start wishing for things that you don't have, actively stop think about it. Look around at what you do have, and be thankful for it. I'm not saying don't set goals, and envision them. I'm talking about winning the lottery, or buying a mansion, or something that maybe you don't need. Yes I have been guilty of thinking about winning the lottery. But I don't think about it very often. I love my life, and would not change anything in it.

So I will leave you on that note, and I hope y'all have a great night.

If this was too mushy for you, let me know. I will try to lighten it up a bit next time. :-) Good night yall!

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