Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 11 ... What rhymes with eleven?

Hey guys! I hope you are all recovered from New Years, and aren't still suffering from a lingering hangover. If you are, I'm sorry.

Well today was day 11 of the yoga challenge. So far I have only missed one day, and we already went over why I missed. Lets not harp on the past, and only focus on the present. As someone said, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, a today is a gift. That is why they call it the present." That is one of my all time favorite quotes. I first heard it on Kung Fu Panda, but I'm sure someone else said it before that movie came out.

Before I did today's yoga, my upper back was killing me. I'm not sure why. Maybe I slept too long in one spot last night. Who knows. But after completing the yoga, I am feeling really good. Here is the video if you are doing it with me. My favorite pose from this video, is the lizard pose. The reason I liked this pose, is we used to do this one in dance to open up our hips, and stretch for our splits. I completely forgot about this one. It always made my hips feel really good.

Here is the pose for both sides:

My posture isn't the best, but if I keep doing it, it will get better. When you get all stretched out and have done this one for a while, you will eventually be able to put your elbows on the ground. I used to be able to put them on the ground when I was in dance. One day I will get back to that point. 

Well today was rather uneventful. Russ and I just hung around at the house and had some together time. Sometimes you need that. 

Breakfast - 2 slices of cinnamon toast
Lunch - Lean Green Ninja smoothie (Russ had one too!)
Dinner - Pesto chicken, with spaghetti. It was delicious. Here is the picture from the book, and the recipe.

The only thing I added was salt, pepper, and garlic powder to the pasta, and everything was delicious. You can either buy basil pesto from the store, or you can make it yourself. Both ways are really good.

I did have a little bit of candy today, but not as much as I have the past couple of days. So that is a plus. 

Yoga, day 11


I hope everyone has a great night! Until tomorrow my friends!

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