Thursday, July 20, 2017

Cardio... Cardio... Cardio...

Hey everyone! so this morning, it wasn't as difficult to get out of bed. I woke up at 4am to let the dogs out, and went back to bed for 40 more minutes. I believe I dosed off, but don't think I fell completely back to sleep.

At 4:40am, my alarm went off. Got up, got dressed, and went to the gym. I didn't do one of my work outs today, because I didn't sleep well, and I was a little tired. I decided to do some cardio. I haven't gone to the gym all week, so I needed something to ease back into it. I know I will feel great through out the day, and I will sleep like a baby tonight.

Today is closing day for my client! I am so excited for them. I'm excited about my check, but I really get joy out of how happy my client is when they finally get their home. She is a first time home buyer, so this is a huge step for her. I will take pictures, and post on here for tomorrows blog.

Well that's it for today. Here's some fitness and business motivation for y'all!

Have a great day!

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