Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 10... We meet again!

Hey Everybody! How was your New Years? Did you have a hang over this morning? I know I did. Last night WAS NOT on my health plan, in more ways than one... As you may have noticed, I did not post a blog yesterday. I did not make time for yoga when I should have. I had a very busy morning, and a very busy evening. I had about 5 hours yesterday to just chill before we had to leave for the New Years party we went to. 

I know I know, 5 hours is plenty of time to do yoga. I regret not doing it yesterday, for realz. I don't really have an excuse as to why I didn't do it, but I probably wont miss a day again. Yoga makes me feel so good afterward, and I don't want to regret anything later.

Well it is officially 2016. What are your New Years resolutions? leave a comment below, I'll try to help your achieve your goal! I actually started my resolution early. I want to do something active every day, whether it be yoga, or walking, just some form of exercise. This blog is going to help me succeed You may not know it, but you are my accountability partners! ALL OF YOU!

 Russell, gave up ALL sodas. Now, if you know Russell, you know that his coffee is Dr. Pepper. He doesn't like the taste of coffee (crazy). Needless to say, he is going to be very cranky the next couple of weeks, until the caffeine headaches and cravings go away. I hope we get through it. *crosses fingers* Pray for us!

Today's yoga was a version of "Sun Salutations" which energizes your body as you stretch and strengthen all of your major muscle groups (according the Yoga Journal). Here is the video if you are doing it with me. You connect your breathing to each motion. Breath in for one motion, breath out for the next and repeat. It was pretty good!

The yoga move I liked most from this video, was the forward fold. You all know how to do a forward fold, so I wont post a picture. If you don't know what a forward fold is, its pretty much just bending over at the hip, while slightly bending your knees. This stretches out our back, and legs. It's great if your are a little tight in the back.

12/31/15 Update:
Since I didn't post an entry yesterday, and your obviously dying to know what made my day so busy yesterday, I will give you a rundown.

Yesterday morning, I met my client at the house he was purchasing to do a final walk though at 8:30 am. This was to ensure there wasn't any damage to the property, and it looked the same as the last time he viewed it. Everything was good. At 10:00 am, we went to closing which lasted about an hour. They expected funding to go through around 3:00 pm, so I drove 30 minutes back to my house. I hung out for about 3 hours, then drove all the way back to pick up my check when it had funded. Then I hung out at the house for another 2 more hours when I got back. 

Yes, yes, we have already addressed the fact that I could have done yoga during the 5 hours that I wasn't doing anything. Lets not harp on the past, okay? That was a year ago. Its 2016 now. ;-)

That evening Russell and I drove to Wimberley for a New Years/Graduation/Birthday party. I got a little drunky pants... And there was A LOT of junk food. But OMG it was all so good! We had a blast hanging out. I need to hang out with those people more often. 

We stayed at Russell parents house last night since they live in Wimberley as well. Then that leads to a year later... This morning!

01/01/16 Update:

Today was all about relaxing and recovering from the night before, I mean the year before. Last year was not the best year for me. I mean there were a lot of great things that happened in 2015, but there were about the same amount of not so good things too. Granted, most of the not so good things were learning opportunities, so I can definitely benefit from all of it. 

Like I said, we just lounged around Russell parents house all day today. It was actually really nice. We played a game of Monopoly with his niece and nephew, and ate some great food that his dad made. Ribs, beans, and mashed potatoes. I only had one rib, so I didn't do too bad.

Well that's about it. I might post another entry just about how this last year went, and how I hope this next year goes. 

Now for the regular stuff... There is twice the amount of information since I missed a day. Enjoy. 

Food 12/31/15:
Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Grilled ham and cheese sandwich with salsa... mmmm delicious, but not so healthy.
Dinner - Wings, pulled bar b q sandwich, bacon wrapped cocktail weenies, and whiskey and coke. 
Snack - Candy (hangs head)

Food 01/01/16:
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, one pancake with syrup, 2 pieces of bacon
Lunch - Chips and ham and cream cheese with green onion dip, and cucumbers and ranch dip.
Dinner - 1 rib, small side of beans, small side of mashed potatoes (no gravy), 1 piece of bread.
Snack - Candy (hangs and shakes head) I have to be completely honest on this blog, otherwise I am only lying to myself. CANDY EVERYWHERE!!!!

Exercise 12/31/15:
Nothing... unless you count walking back and forth from the campfire to the house at the party last night as exercise.

Exercise 01/01/16:
Yoga day 10


Hope you find motivation in everything you do! I also hope that my unintentional lapses in exercise, or eating right, helps you realize that you are not alone in this. Everyone is human, and makes mistakes. It's not about being perfect all the time. It's about getting up when you fall down. 

Until tomorrow my friends! Have a great night.

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