I embrace _____!
I embrace change and the challenges that accompany it! -
Hi there! I hope your hump day is going okay. Mine could have been better, but it definitely could have been worse as well. I'll discuss that more when I get to the daily activities.
Today's affirmation was a pretty good one. I embrace. I couldn't think of anything, so I decided to look up some examples. I really like the one I found, because I will need to embrace change here pretty soon. There are so many things in our lives that we need to embrace. Even the things we don't want to embrace. That is the only way that we can truly accept our selves as we are, instead of wishing we were someone else.
One of the things that I have learned to embrace, is my dyslexia. It used to be a lot more sever than it is now, because I have learned to live with it, and learn around it. I know it makes me a slow reader, and makes me see words differently than they actually are. Sometimes I omit letters in a word, and add others changing the whole word completely. Some people may think, that is not part of the learning disorder, but it is. Some people may think it's a crutch, but its not. It's real life for me, and I have to accept and embrace it, whether or not other people will do the same.
If you think about it, someone training for cross country, who has asthma, might say "hold on coach, I need to take a break, my asthma is acting up." Will the coach say, "nonsense, that's just a crutch you use so that you can take a break." No he wouldn't. Granted, not being able to breath is a lot more serious, than not reading something correctly, but the point is the same. The cross country runner will never cure his asthma, but he will learn to live with it. I will never be cured from my dyslexia, but I can learn to live with it.
My point is, no matter what ailments, disorders, phobias, impairments, or whatever it might be that you have to live with, learn to embrace it. You never know when it actually might be helpful one day. Maybe you will help someone with the same difference you have, and help them through a tough time. Embracing your differences will help you stay happy. We are all different, lets lift people up, instead of break them down.
Today's yoga was really good. My back isn't as stiff as it was yesterday. Maybe that is because we didn't do as many laying down moves. There were some back twists, thigh stretches, and core exercises. I feel really good. You should definitely complete this video.
Here it is if you are doing it with me.
Daily Activities:
Today I had phone duty at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. I only got one call, for a rental. However, a rental is better than nothing at all. It's at least some income. I also had to tell my clients, that they were not going to be getting the house that they are supposed to close on this Friday, or get their earnest money back.
If you aren't familiar with the home buying process, earnest money is 1% of the purchase price of the home you want to buy, and you pay it when you offer is accepted. It is good faith money, that tells the seller that they are serious about the purchase of the home. If for some reason they don't want the house any more, or can't get the house, they can get their earnest money back, if they are with in the legal limits of the contract. Unfortunately we were in default of the contract, therefore they have to forfeit their earnest money, and it will go to the sellers. My clients weren't too happy, but they understood, and would still like to work with me when they are ready to look for another home. So that is good news.
Russell and I have decided that I need to get a part time job, aside from my Real Estate. This is the change that I will need to embrace soon. The only job that is flexible enough for me, is being a server. I'm not too worried about it though. Serving is good, easy money, and I have about 6-7 years of experience. I will be a trainer and regular closer in no time. At least that is what happened at Logan's. I worked there for about 2 months, and in 2 weeks I was training, and closing most shifts.
I went into a restaurant here in New Braunfels today call River Hofbrau. It's a steak house, and I pretty much got a job there. I start orientation next week on Wednesday, and they seem to want to give me the hours and schedule that I want. They aren't super busy right now, but all I really need is about $275 a week. I could realistically get that in about 3 shifts.
I also received a call from the Grist Mill in Gruene. The last time I interview with them, I wanted the same schedule, and they said they needed servers with more flexible schedules. I guess we will see what they say this time. At least I know I have a job, if they don't want to hire me in Gruene.
When I got home, I got all my receipts and things together, so that we can talk to a CPA soon. It only took about an hour to get everything organized, and totaled. At least I am ready for when we talk to someone.
To be completely honest, I almost didn't do my yoga today, but Russell, being the supper sweet husband he is, kept me accountable. He said that I need to do yoga, even though I want to take a break. I love him for doing that. I know I would have regretted it tomorrow if I didn't do it.
Yoga camp day 3
Breakfast - Toast and coffee
Lunch - Ham sandwich
Dinner - nothing
Snack - bread pudding
So in the end, just embrace and love yourself. Even if you have to physically give yourself a big hug, and say "I embrace you and accept you for who you are!"
As always my friends, stay happy, healthy, and motivated.
Have a good night.