So at Russell's parents house ( I can start referring to him as just Russell right? Or do I still have to refer to him as my husband?... You know who he is... He is just Russell from now on) we got a boat load of chocolate from Santa in our stockings. Well I am truly grateful to "Santa" because I LOVE chocolate. However, I am trying to shed a few pounds, and they are taunting me in our candy bowl.... I would like to put them where I can't see them everyday, but Russell says I need to have will power. Well if you know me, "will power" is not in my vocabulary when it comes to chocolate. Maybe I will put a little note that says "1 PER DAY MEGAN". I guess we will see how that works out.
Well, like I said, I did not do my exercises this morning. I realized after depositing my commission check, that the title company (which shall not be named) sent all three commission checks in the same envelope and addressed it to me... Naturally, when I picked it up from the office, which is an our away from my house, I just took it home. My check was on top, and I didn't even think to look at the other papers in the packet. Why would I? Normally when a check is sent to me, it is only my check... When I detached the check from the packet to deposit it, I saw the other ones. I had to make a trip to the office just to drop off those checks to the team that I don't work with any more... Grrrr. Oh well. It got me out of the house I guess.
When I got home today, I got a call from the office saying that I had another commission check at the front desk. Well I am going to wait to get it tomorrow, since I will already be in town. I guess it's a good problem to have. Getting paid and all. haha
I completed day nine of the yoga challenge. Woop Woop! This one was a little harder. A lot of downward dog, and deep lunges, and cobra poses in between sets. My shoulders were burning. Here is the video if you are doing it with me.
The pose I liked the most out of this video was the chair twist. It engaged the muscles in my thighs, and gave a twist to the back and chest. However, you have to be careful with this pose. There are a lot of elements to it that you have to be careful of. Full body awareness is definitely necessary.
- Make sure when you twist one way, the opposite knee isn't in front of the other one. As Adrian says in the video, what ever the knees are doing, so are the hips. Make sure your knees are inline.
- Make sure that your knees are not going past your toes. This can cause problems in the knees.
- Make sure your not collapsing into yourself. You want to stay engaged, and lift the chest and relax the shoulders.
Here is the pose: My phone was dying and wont let me take pictures until it is around 30%. So here are a couple of pictures from online
Front view
Side view
Breakfast: Lean Green Ninja
Lunch: Turkey and ham sandwich (Same sandwich I had for dinner last night)
Dinner: Texas Style Pork Ribeye ( The package just said Texas style ribeye... I thought they were steaks...) brussel sprouts... I thought I liked brussel sprouts. Apparently not... Oh well. It was good for tonight.
So I didn't do TOO bad for food today.... I did have a handful of candy and chocolate though... :-( I need to stay out of the candy bowl...
Day 9 of the 30 day yoga challenge
Stay motivated! Only one more day of 2015!
Have a great night. Until tomorrow my friends