Hey guys! So it's been almost a month since my last post. If you are an avid reader, I'm sorry that I have been absent from posting for a while.
So I have started body pump back up at Gold's gym, and it is awesome! I have realized since I hadn't worked out for a week or so, the muscle burn and soreness in the morning, feels really good!!!!
I don't have much to say about it today, but just wanted to post something, so that I can get back in the habit of posting to the blog again.
In other news, I have a listing that went live on Friday, and yesterday a showing was scheduled. The agent that showed the property, called and let me know that, the buyers were going to crunch the numbers and submit an offer on the house. This makes me very happy because all the other homes that are on the market in that neighborhood, have been on the market for over 100 days. This was not going to fly with me.
In order to get this home sold quickly, I priced it just below market value, and marketed the $h!t out of it! Thankfully it helped. There hasn't been a whole lot of interest on the property, but it only takes one buyer to get it sold, so I'm happy. Hopefully we can come to an agreement on price, and get this house sold and off the market.
Keep pushing forward. Success isn't for the faint of heart.
No matter what you are struggling with, keep pushing on. You will eventually get to where you want to be!!!
Have a great day!

This blog is about taking one day at a time. One day can make a big difference in your life. I am going to be updating this blog everyday, keeping track of every thing I do. Whether it be what I eat, what exercises I do, what I do for my business, or how I improve someone else's day. This blog is going to keep me accountable for my actions and how they affect me and the people around me.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Cardio... Cardio... Cardio...
Hey everyone! so this morning, it wasn't as difficult to get out of bed. I woke up at 4am to let the dogs out, and went back to bed for 40 more minutes. I believe I dosed off, but don't think I fell completely back to sleep.
At 4:40am, my alarm went off. Got up, got dressed, and went to the gym. I didn't do one of my work outs today, because I didn't sleep well, and I was a little tired. I decided to do some cardio. I haven't gone to the gym all week, so I needed something to ease back into it. I know I will feel great through out the day, and I will sleep like a baby tonight.
Today is closing day for my client! I am so excited for them. I'm excited about my check, but I really get joy out of how happy my client is when they finally get their home. She is a first time home buyer, so this is a huge step for her. I will take pictures, and post on here for tomorrows blog.
Well that's it for today. Here's some fitness and business motivation for y'all!
Have a great day!
At 4:40am, my alarm went off. Got up, got dressed, and went to the gym. I didn't do one of my work outs today, because I didn't sleep well, and I was a little tired. I decided to do some cardio. I haven't gone to the gym all week, so I needed something to ease back into it. I know I will feel great through out the day, and I will sleep like a baby tonight.
Today is closing day for my client! I am so excited for them. I'm excited about my check, but I really get joy out of how happy my client is when they finally get their home. She is a first time home buyer, so this is a huge step for her. I will take pictures, and post on here for tomorrows blog.
Well that's it for today. Here's some fitness and business motivation for y'all!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
I'm Back!!!... Maybe...
Hey everyone! So I know I keep toying with your emotions about being back, then I'm gone, then I'm back again, then I disappear... "What's the deal" you are probably saying... Well I actually forgot I had a blog, hahah. Sorry, but that's the truth. I have had so much going on, and it just slipped my mind.
How I remembered that y'all were here, was one of my past associates form a different company, mentioned that she was going to start a 30 day yoga challenge. I said... "HEY! I did a 30 day challenge, where's my blog" and here I am. So that happened.
Let me update you on me... *Rolls up sleeves* ...
At the beginning of this year, I was super unhappy with the brokerage I was apart of. The company as a whole was great! There were just some changes that were being implemented that I didn't agree with, so I left. I decided to go with a new brokerage, that I am very happy to be a part of. I am actually closing on my first deal with them, but 6th deal for the year. I have a couple other people that I am working with as well, and I have a listing that is coming up. So that is amazing!
My husband quit his part-time/full-time job at the Wal-Mart distribution center, and is now working full-time doing inspections and is doing an amazing job! He has already done over 200 inspections this year alone. Since he quit, I had to get a part-time job at Bluebonnet Chrysler Dodge here in New Braunfels, TX. It is M-F 8:00am to 12:30pm. Not too bad, but sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time in the day to work on my Real Estate stuff. But I am trying to make it work.
My husband and I started working out at Golds Gym, and we have been doing GREAT! He hurt his back a week or so ago, and hasn't been able to go work out, like he wants, but I still am. Since I go to work at 8am in the morning, and work on Real Estate in the evening, I will work out at 5:00am for an hour. I know it's early, but I always feel so good after and through out the day when I work out. I am also beat by the end of the day, and sleep great!
My husband hired a trainer for 3 days, and we have been using those work outs for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. We take Wednesdays and Sundays off, and do cardio the other days. Below are the work outs if you want to do them as well. You may have to look some of them up.
Since we started working out, I have kept track of my weight and inches lost. Here is a picture of my little white board.
I have fluctuated, but over all, in 7 weeks I have lost 9lb, and 4in. all around. Not too bad for a 30 year old. I definitely don't lose weight as quickly as I used to...
Well that's about it for today. I hope y'all have had a great year so far! Hears to the second half. May it be as successful, if not more than the first half!
How I remembered that y'all were here, was one of my past associates form a different company, mentioned that she was going to start a 30 day yoga challenge. I said... "HEY! I did a 30 day challenge, where's my blog" and here I am. So that happened.
Let me update you on me... *Rolls up sleeves* ...
At the beginning of this year, I was super unhappy with the brokerage I was apart of. The company as a whole was great! There were just some changes that were being implemented that I didn't agree with, so I left. I decided to go with a new brokerage, that I am very happy to be a part of. I am actually closing on my first deal with them, but 6th deal for the year. I have a couple other people that I am working with as well, and I have a listing that is coming up. So that is amazing!
My husband quit his part-time/full-time job at the Wal-Mart distribution center, and is now working full-time doing inspections and is doing an amazing job! He has already done over 200 inspections this year alone. Since he quit, I had to get a part-time job at Bluebonnet Chrysler Dodge here in New Braunfels, TX. It is M-F 8:00am to 12:30pm. Not too bad, but sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time in the day to work on my Real Estate stuff. But I am trying to make it work.
My husband and I started working out at Golds Gym, and we have been doing GREAT! He hurt his back a week or so ago, and hasn't been able to go work out, like he wants, but I still am. Since I go to work at 8am in the morning, and work on Real Estate in the evening, I will work out at 5:00am for an hour. I know it's early, but I always feel so good after and through out the day when I work out. I am also beat by the end of the day, and sleep great!
My husband hired a trainer for 3 days, and we have been using those work outs for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. We take Wednesdays and Sundays off, and do cardio the other days. Below are the work outs if you want to do them as well. You may have to look some of them up.
- Warm Up: 5 Minutes of Cardio and Foam Rolling - Glutes, IT Band, Quads, Adductors, Lats and Thoracic: Mid-Upper Middle Back (Daily)
- Workout 1:
- 3 Rounds of 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats and a 60 second Plank
- 3 Rounds of 10 TRX Rows, 15 Leg Curls and 15 Supermans
- 3 Rounds of 10 Landmine Presses per arm, 30 Step Ups and the Band Resisted Lateral Hold - 30 seconds/side
- 3 Rounds of 10 Band Pulldowns (tie purple band around pull up bar), 15 Glute Bridges and a 1 lap Kettlebell Carry (hold a kettlebell in each hand and take a lap around the black flooring)
- Workout 2:
- 2 Rounds of 10 TRX Rows, 15 TRX Squats and a 60 second Plank
- 3 sets of 10 Goblet Squats and 10 Sit Ups
- 3 sets of 10 Pulldowns and 20 Mountain Climbers
- 3 sets of 20 lunges and 15 leg raises
- 3 sets of 10 Rows and 10 Toe Touches
- 4 sets of 15 Leg Press
- 2 sets of 5 of each: TRX I, Y, T
- 2 sets of 15 Face Pulls with red band
- Workout 3:
- 2 Rounds of 10 TRX Push Ups, 15 TRX Leg Curls, 30 second side plank/side
- 3 sets of 15 kettlebell overhead presses with Band Resisted Lateral Hold - 30 seconds/side
- 3 sets of 10 deadlift with 10 stability ball roll outs
- 3 sets of 10 Landmine Complex: 10 presses/side and 10 rotations/side
- 3 sets of 15 stability ball leg curls with 15 sit ups
- 3 sets of 10 TRX Fly with 10 Back Extensions
Since we started working out, I have kept track of my weight and inches lost. Here is a picture of my little white board.
I have fluctuated, but over all, in 7 weeks I have lost 9lb, and 4in. all around. Not too bad for a 30 year old. I definitely don't lose weight as quickly as I used to...
Well that's about it for today. I hope y'all have had a great year so far! Hears to the second half. May it be as successful, if not more than the first half!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Starting Fresh... Emotionally, Physically, and Career-ly!
Hey everyone! So after almost a year hiatus, I am back! I have seen how NOT doing yoga affects my body, mind and emotions. Let's just say, not a good experience.
I am starting my yoga back up, but I want to focus on the weight loss side of it. For the past year, I haven't been super active, and that is putting a strain on me, in many ways. I am not happy with myself when I look in the mirror, again, in many ways.
1. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with my body. I would like clothes to fit better, and I would like to not have a spare tire around my waist. I have NEVER gained weight in my stomach, so this is very foreign to me. I actually have creases on my back below my shoulder blades and above my love handles... WHY are they called "love handles"? I certainly don't love them... I know this is not super flattering to talk about, but I need to verbalize it, so that I can change it. The first step is to acknowledge the problem, right?
2. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with my skin. I will break out, or have splotchy skin, and unwanted hair. I am going to go to a laser hair removal place with a groupon I got. $89 for one year of unlimited laser hair removal for 2 small areas, or 1 medium area. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I want to start eating healthier, and this should help with my skin problems.
3. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with how my Real Estate performance has been. I have been at war with myself, saying, I'm not good at this Real Estate thing, and should give up. But then I say, no I love what I do, I just need to apply myself a little more, and do what everyone is telling me to do. I just need to follow through with what I say I am going to do.
Yoga is going to help with that. It will keep my mind clear, my heart and body healthy, and muscles engaged. I am also going to work out with one of my best friends, Colleen, 3 days a week. We have been working out 2 days a week, but I don't think that is enough. The last two weeks, I have been struggling with myself, and I haven't been able to work out with her. I have missed her a lot these past two weeks, and I am excited to get back to the work out routine.
I am starting my yoga back up, but I want to focus on the weight loss side of it. For the past year, I haven't been super active, and that is putting a strain on me, in many ways. I am not happy with myself when I look in the mirror, again, in many ways.
1. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with my body. I would like clothes to fit better, and I would like to not have a spare tire around my waist. I have NEVER gained weight in my stomach, so this is very foreign to me. I actually have creases on my back below my shoulder blades and above my love handles... WHY are they called "love handles"? I certainly don't love them... I know this is not super flattering to talk about, but I need to verbalize it, so that I can change it. The first step is to acknowledge the problem, right?
2. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with my skin. I will break out, or have splotchy skin, and unwanted hair. I am going to go to a laser hair removal place with a groupon I got. $89 for one year of unlimited laser hair removal for 2 small areas, or 1 medium area. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I want to start eating healthier, and this should help with my skin problems.
3. When I look in the mirror, I am not happy with how my Real Estate performance has been. I have been at war with myself, saying, I'm not good at this Real Estate thing, and should give up. But then I say, no I love what I do, I just need to apply myself a little more, and do what everyone is telling me to do. I just need to follow through with what I say I am going to do.
Yoga is going to help with that. It will keep my mind clear, my heart and body healthy, and muscles engaged. I am also going to work out with one of my best friends, Colleen, 3 days a week. We have been working out 2 days a week, but I don't think that is enough. The last two weeks, I have been struggling with myself, and I haven't been able to work out with her. I have missed her a lot these past two weeks, and I am excited to get back to the work out routine.
Today I did Yoga with Adriene - Yoga for weight loss! It was a pretty great. Basically, this exercise helps to build muscles, but in a loving caring way, instead of in a super intense, loveless way. Great for the arms, legs, and core.
Here is the video if you would like to try it out. She actually has a whole series on this type of yoga exercise.
If you want the whole series, CLICK HERE, and it will take you to her yoga page!
Let me know what you think, by leaving comment below! I love to hear what other people think. Or if you have another video that you like to do, feel free to share it!
Well until tomorrow, I hope y'all have an amazing day! I know I am going to try and make the most out of it!
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
A little tired... But still did it!
Good morning! Today is going to be an awesome day! I can feel it. I don't have much on my calendar, but I am changing that. There is a Real Estate coach that posts a lot of videos on YouTube, and I really believe what he is saying. His name is Tom Ferry, and he is pretty energetic, and pretty awesome. I have only watched a couple of his videos, but I feel better already by doing so. All I have to do now is implement.
Well yoga today was pretty good. It is meant to get the juices, and creativity flowing. Here is the video if you would like to participate. It wasn't strenuous by any means, and it was short and sweet. My back was really stiff this morning, but the yoga got the kinks out. I am so grateful for yoga. It has helped me so much. It clears my mind, and lets me relax when my mind wont let me.
Today I have phone duty, hopefully someone calls. Then I have an hour training, and door knocking. Not too much going on today, but hopefully more will come up. I am hoping I can get something started.
Lets get this started! Have a great day!
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Feeling Great!
So last night at the restaurant, we had an unexpected 50 person table come in. It was a mistake on the GM at one of the other locations. They were supposed to go to her location, not ours, and we couldn't very well send them away. We were perfectly staffed for our day, but when that table came in, we were not only understaffed in the front of house, we were understaffed in the kitchen.
Before the table came in, our Assistant General Manager was off the clock, about to go home. Then they walk in, and he jumped back on the clock and went straight to the kitchen. One of our Expo people, just happened to come in because she wanted to go food, and she jumped on the line as well. We are so grateful for their contribution, and going above and beyond. We would not have gotten by with out them!
Needless to say, I NEEDED yoga when I got home. I did some bedtime yoga that was easy and relaxing. Here is the video if you would like to try it out before you go to bed. I lit some candles, and turned off the lights. This helped a lot in relaxing.
Yesterday Morning, I woke up so incredibly stiff, that it was hard to bend down and pick up my dogs food bowls. After I did some yoga, I felt better. After my shift last night, my back was hurting again. After I did some yoga, I felt a lot better.
Yoga has become something I need in my life. It helps me unwind, and it clears my mind as well. If you haven't tried yoga, you really should. But like anything in life, you wont get much out of it if you only do it once. If you are going to try yoga, do it for a full week, and see how you feel afterwards. I promise, you will feel so much better than you did the week before.
This morning I did my yoga and I feel amazing. Here is the video I did, if you would like to try it out. It was pretty easy this morning. We started with floor work, and ended standing up. What a great way to start the day! I haven't done yoga at night, then again in the morning before. It really helps a lot. I think I will start doing that every night.
Here I am this morning, feeling refreshed and awake, ready for the day!
Well I hope y'all have an amazing day! Here is some Motivation to get you through it!
Before the table came in, our Assistant General Manager was off the clock, about to go home. Then they walk in, and he jumped back on the clock and went straight to the kitchen. One of our Expo people, just happened to come in because she wanted to go food, and she jumped on the line as well. We are so grateful for their contribution, and going above and beyond. We would not have gotten by with out them!
Needless to say, I NEEDED yoga when I got home. I did some bedtime yoga that was easy and relaxing. Here is the video if you would like to try it out before you go to bed. I lit some candles, and turned off the lights. This helped a lot in relaxing.
Yesterday Morning, I woke up so incredibly stiff, that it was hard to bend down and pick up my dogs food bowls. After I did some yoga, I felt better. After my shift last night, my back was hurting again. After I did some yoga, I felt a lot better.
Yoga has become something I need in my life. It helps me unwind, and it clears my mind as well. If you haven't tried yoga, you really should. But like anything in life, you wont get much out of it if you only do it once. If you are going to try yoga, do it for a full week, and see how you feel afterwards. I promise, you will feel so much better than you did the week before.
This morning I did my yoga and I feel amazing. Here is the video I did, if you would like to try it out. It was pretty easy this morning. We started with floor work, and ended standing up. What a great way to start the day! I haven't done yoga at night, then again in the morning before. It really helps a lot. I think I will start doing that every night.
Here I am this morning, feeling refreshed and awake, ready for the day!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Uber Stiff Back...
Alright, so I said that I was going to try to do Yoga every morning, after my last post, and it didn't happen. For some reason, I haven't been motivated to do much of anything except work. Even my marketing has gone down a little. I need to find that inner motivation and bring it out again. I want to be excited about life. For some reason, I am not excited right now. I love my life, but would like to find something inside me, to enjoy it more.
This morning my back was so, so stiff. To the point that I could barely bend down to pick up my dogs bowls to feed them. Now THAT'S bad... I did Adriene's Sun Salutations yoga combo. It made me feel A LOT better. My back is still stiff, but not nearly as bad as when I got out of bed. If you are just now joining my blog, I did a sun salutation video earlier this year. Here is a rendition of the sun salutation combo.
This morning my back was so, so stiff. To the point that I could barely bend down to pick up my dogs bowls to feed them. Now THAT'S bad... I did Adriene's Sun Salutations yoga combo. It made me feel A LOT better. My back is still stiff, but not nearly as bad as when I got out of bed. If you are just now joining my blog, I did a sun salutation video earlier this year. Here is a rendition of the sun salutation combo.
This is one of those combos that you could do every morning if you wanted to start your day off right. It really only takes about 10 minutes to do this video. Here is the video I followed along with, if you would like to start doing it every morning! It woke up my back, my hips, my shoulders, and my neck. It pretty much woke up my whole body.
In addition to the sun salutation, she did tree pose, and did a little floor work. If you want a morning routine, this is a great video to add to it.
Well today I am working at the restaurant, and I will be following up with my contacts. Not too much planned for today.
Well I hope y'all have a great day. Make your day worth living. Do at least one thing that will better your tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow! Stay happy and healthy my friends!
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